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Everything posted by Iroqouiz

  1. That log file doesn't contain any errors. At what step does the TS fail? Paste an image of your TS please.
  2. The applications also need to be deployed to a user collection to be able to use them in the UDI wizard designer.
  3. Or using a Powershell script if you don't want to mess around with web services (I use the web service posted above and it works great). Haven't tried this in an OSD but you should be able to swing it with something like this: $device = $tsenv:OSDComputerName Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionName "name of collection" -ResourceId $(Get-CMDevice -Name $device).ResourceID
  4. Check out this link. http://www.danielclasson.com/install-net-framework-35-server-2012/
  5. If you rebuild a task sequence from scratch, does the same thing happen?
  6. AFAIK you can't do that. The whole point of the App Catalog is to deploy software to users and not computers, and it's not meant for admins to use, but rather only the end users. Set up role based administration in the normal console instead, and give your admins only permissions to do whatever it is they should be doing. Won't be web based, but it's the best option.
  7. Check out MDT 2012 Update 1. If you integrate that with SCCM you get a bunch of advanced customizations to choose from, like a User Driven Installation with replace/refresh scenarios.
  8. You need to create an answer file (unattend.xml) in either WAIK (if SCCM 2012 RTM) or ADK (if SCCM 2012 SP1). The application where you create the answer file is called Windows System Image Manager. There are guides in this forum.
  9. What do the appdiscovery.log, appenforce.log and smsts.log files say? Please upload them and provide a link, don't copy and paste.
  10. On the client there are logs in C:\Windows\CCM\Logs. DataTransferService.log - shows status of app downloads. AppDiscovery.log - shows if the app is applicable to the system according to how your deployment type is configured. AppEnforce.log - see how the actual installation is doing, error codes etc. There are of course more, but these are the ones I most frequently look at, they usually do the job for me.
  11. I don't understand what you want to do. You want Outlook to automatically set up the email account for whatever user starts it? I think that can be achieved by editing the MSP-file for the Office installation (using the %userprofile% variable. Here's how you create an Office application in SCCM 2012. The link is for SCCM 2012 Beta but it works on RTM and SP1. http://blogs.technet.com/b/mniehaus/archive/2011/08/13/deploying-office-2010-with-configuration-manager-2012-beta-2.aspx
  12. Any chance that the VMs are not covered by your boundaries?
  13. Hi, I've noticed something odd about my Windows Updates. I have ADRs which run on Patch Tuesday, one for Windows 7, 8, Office 2010 and 2013. The updates are placed in four respective Software Update Groups. It seems like older updates are removed from those SUGs. The rules have been in place since the beginning of January. Right now there should be a few dozen updates in this SUG but there are only two. If I filter all my updates like below (to double check that the updates aren't expired/superseded) it finds 24 updates. Why aren't these in my SUG above? The ADR is set to add updates to an existing SUG. Here are the filters. I can't figure out what's happening. My goal was to not really have to pay updates any attention but it seems like I now have to spend time double-checking that all my updates are deployed correctly.
  14. I'm no expert, but if the ADR in your first post picks updates released last week, then perhaps there weren't any updates released this week matching the other criteria? The ADR in your last post would pick every update released which isn't superseded, for those products.
  15. Do you mean this? In that case, right click on your DP and choose Properties.
  16. Think it's possible with IP helpers. Don't have any experience with it though.
  17. It says: Rule resulted in a total of 0 updates SMS_RULE_ENGINE 15/03/2013 8:00:08 PM 0 update(s) need to be downloaded in package "OAK00020" The rule resulted in no updates being found. Skip deployment creation or update.. Which means your update criteria can't find any updates to put in a Software Update Group, hence no SUG is created and deployed. Look over your criteria in the ADR.
  18. marlonc1980: I'm not being rude, but I've seen a bunch of posts by you with questions that can easily be answered by using Google. Creating applications from exe files is not that hard. http://tjindarr.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/deploy-exe-files-as-a-msu-deployment-type/ http://rorymon.com/blog/index.php/tag/deploying-a-setup-exe-with-sccm-2012/
  19. I don't know how you missed it since it's on the front page of the same part of the forum you're currently posting a thread in http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6353-using-system-center-2012-configuration-manager-part-7-build-and-capture-windows-7-x64-sp1/
  20. Theres a log file called ruleengine.log on the server. What does it say?
  21. Well, I guess you could find out what the uninstall commands/switches are for your unwanted applications, and then write a script which silently uninstalls them? Then create a package with the script file. Or create one package for every app uninstall. Then add those packages to a custom task sequence. Maybe there's a better way, but that's the way I'd do it.
  22. Why not look at the guides created in this very forum?
  23. Doesn't seem like it, I'm afraid. http://myitforum.com/myitforumwp/2012/06/21/configuration-manager-2012-role-based-administration-notes-from-the-field/
  24. Did you let SCCM install WDS for you or did you do it manually? I've had problems when installing manually.
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