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  1. Thank you for the explanation and information! If I had one AD site that had a local distribution point that I wanted clients at that site to pull from locally I would distribute update package content only to that distribution point correct? The site boundaries basically dictate that a one specific site has local access to distribution content and all other AD sites are part of an slow link boundary group with a different distribution point. If I'm understanding this correctly as long as the slow link boundary groups associated distribution point doesn't get the deployment package those clients will pull from Windows Updates and the clients of the local site will pull from the distribution point assigned to the site boundary group accordingly. Am I correct in my assumption? Thanks again for the help!
  2. Yes I do not want clients to get the updates from distribution points if all possible and only download from Windows Update the patches from the Deployment Package. Can this be done and how?
  3. How can I make all clients always download their required updates from Windows Updates? I've looked everywhere and I can't find something specific to the scenario.
  4. I think i finally got this thing working correctly! In my loadstate call I removed the /ui:DOMAIN\* and modified the user exclude to be /ue:%_SMSTSMachineName%\* . I would have liked to have figured out the SMP maybe some other time. I have some additional editing to do but I wrote a wsf that handles creating the user state store and dynamically creates the batch file used additionally I don't have to use any xcopy to get my USMT files. They get brought down as a required package for the script to run. I'll probably modify that design and just include the USMT folder in the MDT Files Package. Should cut down deployment time a smig.
  5. I removed the /ui and /ue switches and loaded a MIG into migrecover it's backing up the userstate data i'm not sure if i have something wrong in my loadstate or not but the data did not come back down. I tried using windows easy file transfer on the mig it shows no profiles and it didn't restore them after being ran.
  6. I am not the most skilled using osd or usmt that explained here is my problem. I need to perform a xp to Windows 7 migration. All clients are encrypted with Sophos Safeguard, this gives me two chances to backup using USMT some how while still on xp or using a vendor instructed WinPE image which allows access to the hard disk in pe. There documentation explains to do just that boot into PE and offline usmt the data. The hard drive must be formatted before 7 can be installed so no hardlinks. What I currently have is running the scanstate offline using a batch file buti think because of the ui and ue switches I'm using it is not migrating domain profiles. /ue:*\* /ui:domain\*. Id like to smp this data to make it easier to maintain but I coukdnt get that to work in this configuration.
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