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Rocket Man

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Rocket Man last won the day on June 30 2017

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About Rocket Man

  • Birthday 07/27/1979

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    System Center 2007,2012

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  1. What about spinning up a windows 7/10 DP for this - would this work for you until you have the server infrastructure to configure a standard DP?
  2. No- not out of the box - you will need 3rd party tools to do this - possibly some deployed scripts to shutdown on a schedule and WOL tools to power up on a schedule.
  3. Is it not possible to create a custom anti-malware policy to tell these remote clients to go to MS update? - deploy it to the collection(s) these systems reside in.
  4. Same as Niall - vanilla wim - all LOB software deployed as part of the TS - office updated after the OS install. Every 3 months use the offline servicing component to inject available updates for wim for future deployments.
  5. It should not be a requirement to use the TS Variable _SMSTSMachineName in order to retain a known system's name with a refresh - CM will do this all by itself. If this is the same TS that is been used for known and unkown then remove this task sequence variable as per the reason above.
  6. Agree with Garth - keep it simple if device limits are acceptable. Primary & DPs. Do the DP's need to point back to the Primary? In a SCCM hierarchy all site servers have to point back(communicate if this is what you mean) to the Site Server - CAS - Primary(s)-Secondary(s)-DP(s) so a COMMs link is required in order for systems in remote locations to successfully send back CM info to site server. How will that be on bandwidth? Ultimately depends on total amount of managed systems at remote locations requiring policies from PS. DPs can be throttled if required. Install the MP, SUP on the DP's? Again depends on amount of devices at remote locations and also the link type in terms of bandwidth. If link is good then possibly no need for additional MP, SUP. That's a call you make yourself as you know the network.
  7. If you wish to rename prior to OSD within windows you could do it through WMIC command. This will allow you to remove the dashes as needed. The only downside is that you will need to create a extensive batch file if a large amount of PCs needs to be changed, oldname and new desired name but with excel you can do this easily and export. Syntax WMIC ComputerSystem where Name="XX-XXX-PC01" call Rename Name="AABBB-PC01" WMIC ComputerSystem where Name="XX-XXX-PC01" call Rename Name="BBCCC-PC01" WMIC ComputerSystem where Name="XX-XXX-PC01" call Rename Name="CCDDD-PC01" Create a package with batch file as above - create custom TS and copy script locally to all desired PCs from within the TS then use run command line to execute batch file locally at each PC and use an account that has domain rights to execute script in run command line. Place restart command in TS and then you could do another run command line to execute a DDR to update the CMDB with new names when the systems start backup from previous restart. WMIC /namespace:\\root\ccm path sms_client CALL TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003}" /NOINTERACTIVE execute a delay of a 2-3 minutes so that the systems has time to update information to site server after the DDR has executed and then do another restart to update the DNS records of each systems change if you want remote control to work immediately etc... You'll need to update the collections in the console after all is finished to reflect name changes. Not the most convenient way of achieving this but will work - and works in windows which is a bonus.
  8. Have so far promoted 4 2K16 DCs to an existing forest and all seems fine in terms of ADDS replication/services/search etc etc.. What is the machine above you are querying from? Is it the DC on server 2016? Looks like machine you are querying from is not authenticated to domain fully - or the unknown users are no longer existent or are from an old domain?
  9. Maybe diskpart manually and clean disk etc.. and try again with CM task sequence!
  10. Seems like a HDD issue i/o error is it just a particular system or is it multiple systems? if one system have you tried new HDD - or use diskpart to delete and create new partitions
  11. SATA - max 30-35 mins - vanilla image with updates - all basic software packages including Office Pro - some business configurations\apps - NO updates - SSD - 20-25 mins 4 mins ready for logon does sound somewhat unbelievable to lay down a full OS to a system - even if it was a fat image - it probably takes that to apply the OS to disk - again depends on HW and network infra to HW
  12. A.Kassem To collect monitor details you could setup this - http://exar.ch/collecting-monitor-serial-numbers-with-sccm/ Take note - unfortunately it will not inventory Monitors that are connected to some models of KVM splitters.
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