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Everything posted by GarthMJ

  1. How is a 100 MB pipe any different that most LANs? If you are going to put anything there, put a DP. If you decide later that you need more you can add it. But I wouldn't start with anything more than a DP server. I hate to say it be 1500 computers is a small environment and SQL should be locate with CM, otherwise you are asking for problems.
  2. 1. Talk to your MS Sale person they can answer this for you. 2. SU, OSD, Inventory, reporting are the big four. 3. A single primary to start with 100 MB connection do you really need a DP there? 4 SQL should already be local to the CM primary server 5 there is no way anyone can answer this question.
  3. I'm going to write yet another one about SQL tempdb later today. With any luck it will be published in early Aug.
  4. I have a whole blog set on this and one of the answer is to set the db to simple logging too for SSRS. https://www.enhansoft.com/blog/never-leave-your-sql-server-database-in-full-recovery-model-without-a-backup
  5. So where is the SQL database for WSUS? Why have SSRS remote for SQL? Why have a Secondary sites? Why so little RAM for SQL? Why 4 VCPU for the MP? When you say dedicated connection between CM and SQL but you also say everything is VM, how exactly are you planning to do that? I hate to say it but you are looking for lot of problems with this setup.
  6. You have several errors listed an they all point to a network issue. 0x87d00231 = Transient error 0x2ee2 = The operation timed out
  7. As you note there is no such thing as Best Practices. There is no where need enough details for anyone to give you a good answer. Therefore based solely on what is posted, your server set is all messed up. You have not listed off where WSUS/SUPs will exist. You have not listed off where RP/SSRS will exist. 16 GB for SQL is tiny vs 48 GB for only the Primary is Monstrously huge, if there is no SQL on it. 32GB for the MP is Monstrously huge, Why 4 CPU for a MP? Why have two secondary at all? Why have 4 CPU in them? Why only 16 GB, keep in mind that they must run SQL too. Will you have a dedicated connection between SQL and the Primary server site? if not why bother have SQL remote? You do know that having remote SQL will seriously increase complexity with no benefit. Is everything physical or virtual?
  8. Your problem is you are trying to copy the files from a network share. Included the files with your package and everything else should work correctly. Always make sure that you test your stuff as CM would deploy it. https://verbalprocessor.com/2007/12/05/running-a-cmd-prompt-as-local-system/
  9. yes you can do that, it is all about how you create your collections. But why do you want if an app is "deployed" to a computer. if done, right, just because it is deployed to a computer doesn't mean that it will install.
  10. Give it a few days to see if the results clean up.
  11. Have you run the batch file using the local system account? https://verbalprocessor.com/2007/12/05/running-a-cmd-prompt-as-local-system/ Have you ask the question of your IBM Support, Particularly, since IBM has their own version of SCCM, Tivoli, they must has a solution for enterprises to deploy Java.
  12. There are far too many variables for me to guess that what the problem is on your network. You will need to work with your network team to track down the issue.
  13. Firewall or proxy issue would be my guess.
  14. Error 0x2f78 = The server returned an invalid or unrecognized response 0x87d00231 = Transient error So it look like you have a networking issue.
  15. Why didn't it work as a CMD? How Does IBM say you should deploy the software?
  16. Maybe I'm missing something and need more coffee but it sound like you have everything you need to deploy the versions to the computer. Right?
  17. So exactly what is the detection method for Firefox. Maybe that is be design for Firefox, the best place to start is to ask within a Firefox, is this behavior by design.
  18. I have to ask why do you care if firefox get upgraded to x64 version? What happened when you import both MSI? Are they both using the same MSI id? Generally the MSI will take care of thing for you. so....
  19. Are you trying to do this as an application or package?
  20. Read this blog and tell me where it fails. https://www.enhansoft.com/blog/updated-troubleshoot-configmgr-hardware-inventory-issues
  21. There is nothing useful in the log snip-its. So you se all four within the console, they all show as active? They all show current HW and Heartbeat data?
  22. There are no errors listed above. You need to dig deeper. Are the clients even healthy?
  23. Yes CM will deleted old computers 90 days after they are no longer discovered within AD.
  24. If you are seeing the SW title within ARP then use that for your collections. http://sccmug.ca/2012/10/08/ie7-collection/ As for report 2d, that using AI data. So you might not have that enabled.
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