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Everything posted by GarthMJ

  1. So that suggest that the client has been installed correctly. it is unclear to me exactly what problem you are having, does the client send inventory to your site server? Does the client any deployments? What six tabs are you talking about?
  2. There is nothing built-in to CM12 for this.
  3. Then build a new site and slow migrate clients from one to the other.
  4. There is nothing built-in to CM12 to do this. However if you can figure out how to determine the license key data manually, then you can create a way for CM12 to inventory it.
  5. Yes this can be done as a report but without anymore details on what and how you are doing things.
  6. SQL doesn't always like having the server rename after SQL has been installed. I would install SQL after your rename the server. Both SQL and Windows upgrade are fro the most part a "next, next,next" type of thing. Some might argue that a side-by-side is more work but it will also be the safest. so what is the most important factors for you?
  7. Keep in mind that a side by side will mean that you need to either re-install or re-assign the CM12 clients. There are pro and cons to this but it is a good option, if you don't like upgrading everything.
  8. Have you looked at the built-in reports for this?
  9. You are out of luck as it doesn't work that way.
  10. So this would mean that you would: Need to create a CAS (bad idea, you could never get rid of it) You would need to use a new site code (but client would NOT automatically re-assign themselves, so this would give you nothing) Hopefully these two blog posts will shed some light on your upgrade options. http://www.enhansoft.com/blog/upgrading-a-configuration-manager-2012-database-from-sql-2008-to-sql-2012 http://www.enhansoft.com/blog/upgrading-sccm-2012-r2s-site-server-operating-system
  11. This old blog post will help you. http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2013/02/28/mac-address-report.aspx
  12. Yes that make sense but when the image is deployed you will see that all the SU are installed on the new computers.
  13. What do you mean by CM12 does not detect the installed SU? Any installed SU will be shown in the SU reports, so....
  14. There is no simple (or automated) way to do this using WQL. So yes you will need to do this within SSRS/SQL.
  15. You can't use Count function in WQL. Also keep in mind that you query will only find x86 version of Java.
  16. Have you looked at the built-in NIC reports? BTW, I generally don't recommend that you add IP address to reports.
  17. How exactly did you delete the packages? Why didn't you deleted them from CM12? Depending on your maintenance cycle the files will get stored.
  18. Have you looked at the CM07 SQL schema? Both columns have no meaning and generally should not be used. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd334611.aspx
  19. ok, I will bite, How exactly can you transition CM12 itself from one server to another? Yes, you should never upgrade either Windows or SQL when do a restore. Either do it before or after the restore.
  20. All your screenshots look fine. I wouldn't worry about it.
  21. I always recommend leaving the SSRS virtual directory as the default. Why change them? IMO it only causes headaches.
  22. No, they will never get stored under the RP directory. The only place that RDLs are stored, is where ever you saved them.
  23. Just remember that if you adjust the source file location, CM12 will need to redeploy all of your packages. Personally I never both moving/changing the source file until I need to update the package, and even then I will create a new package and delete the old one when it is not longer needed.
  24. It is not practical. As you change the boundaries first but the site server is down. so... Even if you can do it, it would take days to fully, migrate all clients to the other primary site. At this point you might as well re-build your broken site or create a whole new site.
  25. Why are you using PowerShell for this, when you can use the native detection method, would it be simpler?
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