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Everything posted by GarthMJ

  1. Do All Irish men do this? http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/love-at-first-flight-katie-from-nova-scotia-sought-by-irish-romeo-1.2725200 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/love-at-first-flight-irish-romeo-s-mysterious-katie-found-1.2726162
  2. For others that find this thread, 99% of the time a CAS is need ONLY if you have over 100, 000 PCs. Otherwise is will cause you more problem that it is worth! You do know that it is not recommend to install both the CAS and Primary site server SQL on the same servers.
  3. GarthMJ

    Members Photos

    I guess it is time for me to update mine too. :-) This one is from my old job in 2005 or 2004!
  4. GarthMJ

    Members Photos

    Niall, Love the new profile pic!!
  5. Maik's web service using the SMS Provide to preform actions, therefore you would to grant the account access within CM12.
  6. What does you web service do? What does the SQL query look like? Are you using RBA?
  7. What about my other questions?
  8. You have already done it by creating RBA roles. All default Reports will only show the user what PCs/ Collections they have access too. For Custom report that is a bit trickier and you need to adjust you report to leverage RBA.
  9. Then no, that is a feature of CM12R2 only.
  10. You should never touch anything within WSUS console. Doing so CAN cause more problems that it solves,
  11. See my reply to your exact same post on TechNet forums.
  12. Ok, so only apply the SU that you care about or apply to what you are working on, that is the simple answer.
  13. Have you reviewed the log file to see if they are getting delta or full sync from WSUS?
  14. Personally wouldn't create the collection for each slot. I would put it the logic within the script and do it that way. IMO, it will be a lot less effort to query WMI within VBS and preform the logic there.
  15. Turn off the firewall, does it work? Have you add the CM site server computer account into local admin on the WSUS server? What about WSUS admins?
  16. Interesting, so you know I have to ask, what do you need this for?
  17. Check your network ports for the WSUS server and what is set within CM07.
  18. You don't need to apply all of them, IMO I wouldn't bother upgrade them to CM07 R3, instead I would work on getting them up to CM12 R2 CU2. Why put all this effort in to CM07 when you are just going to replace it shortly?
  19. As I stated on the TechNet forum, http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/99152c1f-1a85-457d-8b83-523d633e82cc/content-transfer-between-wsus-and-sccm-client-on-port-8530?forum=configmgrsum port 8530 is for the WSUS catalog. No updates should be approved within WSUS.
  20. You have the right idea, import the WMI classes into CM12, then you can report on them, deploy scripts based on the results, etc. These two blogs will point you in the right direction. It will be hard for anyone to give you much more than this as you haven’t given any details for anyone to work with. http://be.enhansoft.com/post/2012/05/29/Importing-MOF-settings-into-System-Center-2012-Configuration-Manager.aspx http://be.enhansoft.com/post/2012/10/24/Adding-a-WMI-Class-to-CM12-From-a-Remote-PC-Webcast.aspx
  21. I have seen you post here and on TechNet, honestly my question is "Why does it matter? so what if someone send that content to your multicast DP, how will it hurt anything?" IMO it seems like you are trying to protect yourself from something that will have little to no impact on anything, so why care about this at all? Why not once a month manually clean up the extra content?
  22. GarthMJ

    Members Photos

    Hum it a hard choice but lia is a better picture! Although Niall, IMO the picture above is a better picture of you then your current profile picture. ;-) As the shy person that I'm, I almost never have my picture taken.
  23. So $15 sound like the SRP price, since you don't know the exact price this tell me that you haven't actually evaluated either product. And therefore don't know what volume discounts are available to you. It is a shame that you haven't evaluated either product, did you know that with Nomad, it has WOL option that will wake all of its peers? You are defiantly wrong on the cost for you to create your own ACP, it will never be free, it will cost your time which is NOT free. This is one of my pet peeves, people like to ignore the cost of their time and maintenance over the long term. Don't under estimated how long it will take to create a ACP and integrate it with CM. Based on my experience this will easily be a full time job for months.
  24. If you have 50k of device and only 3 DP, you have a problem. Each DP will only support 4K of device. So by my calculations you are 10 DP short. IMO you should re-evaluation 3rd party solution or at bare minimum look at Branchcache. You need to purchase 10 new servers just to come to a support situation with MS. If you assume that each server is 5k-7k you already have 50-70k of your 3 party solution. Even better yet you never have to worry about network port between network, you only need BITS open from the 2 DP to each LAN segment. Plus you have get PXE point at remote sites too, if needed. If you are not into BDP then use secondary site and DPs on them, Again this will cost $$s, again this is a good case to support 3rd party solutions. IMO don’t turn off BITS this is will allow for checkpoint restarts vs NBT which you will need to start from the begin again. Again, IMO it does not make sense to create your own ACP for CM, why because who will support it over time, Who will update it? How long will it take you to do this vs 3rd party.. Keep in mind, I will not make a dine from either Adaptiva / 1e.
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