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Everything posted by GarthMJ

  1. Yes it can be done but this is NOT a simple report. It will take a long time for someone to create this report. If you are not proficient at writing queries then I would recommend hiring someone to do this.
  2. CM07/CM12 is not the right product to do this... Try OpsMgr or one of the 3rd party tools.
  3. This is the one that I recommend. http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-System-Configuration-Manager-ebook/dp/B009GI3Z1S/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1378349529&sr=1-2&keywords=brian+mason
  4. Follow this blog post, where does inventory stop working? http://be.enhansoft.com/post/2013/07/25/Troubleshooting-Inventory-Flow.aspx
  5. Does the Computer System node within Resource Explorer for those 3 PC show that it has that exact model? Are you sure??
  6. How often is the collection set to re-fresh? 7 days?
  7. Are you trying to remote control these PC via direct access?
  8. Just because the EXE is not there doesn't mean that Access is not installed particularly from a licensing stand point. Therefore if this is for licensing then you need to determine why Access is showing up in ARP data. I have seen this before where a company to save time have install the Full version of office and Delete the Access exe but they were in violation of the licensing terms and they had to clean up their PCs. So how was Office installed? Is it part of your Base image?
  9. Actually it seem to say it is NOT supported. see Configuration Manager System Requirements section of the docs. Site systems are not supported on Server Core installations for the following operating systems: Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 Foundation or Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Foundation
  10. You Greater than and Less than are not going to work the way you expect them too. IP address are a String no a number, Therefore they are treated as a sting and you will get odd results as such. Try something like SMS_R_System.IPAddresses like "10.104.1[0-1]%” Or SMS_R_System.IPAddresses like "10.104.12[0-1]%”
  11. I have not heard of any issues with any AV and Direct Access (DA). What issue have you seen or heard about?
  12. So how many time are you going to use this report? It sound like this is a one off thing and as such you should use the existing built-in reports, export them to excel and manipulate the data in it. This will mostly take you a lot less time than trying to create a custom report.
  13. What do you say “"Microsoft Office Access MUI 2010/2007" which doesn't verify that it's installed or not.” If the PC is listed it means that Access was installed.
  14. So I’m going to answer this differently.. What other certs do you have? How much experience do you have from CM12? Understand this exam is designed for people with 3 years’ experience. If you take it now it will not have R2 stuff on it. However I’m willing to bet it will have R2 stuff on it shortly after R2 is released.
  15. Ok so it is for new packages only. There is no directly linked between DPs and clients. I assume that the tech should know what server name translate out to which graphic location. They select the right server or DP group and deploy the application to that server/group. Why not send it to all DPs or to a DP Group? Isn't the package need at all sites or a group of sites?
  16. But you can do that with the built-in reports, so....
  17. My point about the CAS is unless you have over 100 000 PC there is very few reasons to have a CAS and multiple primary servers. Having a CAS seriously complicates your environment and should not be taken lightly. If you really feel that you need a CAS then I recommend doing a full analyses of you environment and understand the full ramification of using a CAS. This generally means hiring a very senior consultant with experience with CAS and SQL replication.
  18. So I'm still not following you, Why would a Tech need to know which DP a CM12 client download the content from? When he find out which DP the content came from then what is he going to do with that info?
  19. What are you trying to do? Why do you care which DPs client connect too?
  20. which DP a client is using is not stored within the CM12 database.
  21. Have you seen this. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/281888
  22. The issue is going to be with your sms_def.mof, you will be able to see this by following the either video. Make sure that you connect to root\cimv2 then find your printer class. Remote PC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nPxjzhZbVM Local PC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9UqSSQ3kBE If you see data within WMI (wbemtest) then force a full inventory using sccm client center.
  23. Why have a CAS at all? CAS are meant for those with more than 100 000 PCs. How many PCs do you have?
  24. The simples way to do this is to create another collection and exclude those PCs. Are we talking CM07 or CM12?
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