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Everything posted by GarthMJ

  1. Stupid question but did you preform the fix IIS that allow INFs to be downloaded?
  2. There are a lot of variable here. What are your maintenance task set to? Do you really want to know about PCs that haven't provide HW inventory in 45 days? Do you really want to know about PCs that haven't updated their record in 15 days? What make a PC inactive in AD?
  3. You need to read this blog post. What you are asking for will overwhelm anyone who even tries to read a report like this. http://be.enhansoft.com/post/2009/10/26/How-to-Perform-a-Basic-Software-Audit.aspx
  4. In both CM07 and CM12, the easiest why to create the reporting folder is via the SSRS web interface and click new folder option.
  5. Hi everyone Did you know that Enhansoft is giving way a free SCCM SSRS report each month? Check out the site, this month’s report is Package Home Page. http://www.enhansoft.com/pages/Free-SSRS-Reports.aspx BTW when you are on the site don’t forget to vote to next month’s give-away.
  6. It looks fine, other than it is missing the opening "select" word... can we assume that you missed cut & pasted it?
  7. Did you review the reasons why it is non-compliant? Is the DHCP pack for the exact version of DHCP you are using? What have you done to troubleshoot this issue?
  8. There is not a lot of PoSH for CM07, you would be better with VBS, Everything you need is within the CM07 SDK.
  9. Have you seen these? http://be.enhansoft.com/post/2013/04/10/New-Software-Update-SSRS-Reports.aspx
  10. I would check for duplicate PCs within CM, You likely have two named 7YVW-908KLV1, One is like to be marked as inactive/obsolete.
  11. No this is not a bug and both are normal.
  12. Correct you should NEVER reuse site codes, They have NO meaning and only the CM admin knows anything about them so... What does it matter?
  13. Isn't the autologon controlled by a registry key? if so, just remove the Regkey, Don't forget to put it back.
  14. It is NOT recommend to reuse site codes.
  15. Let me re-phase that. it is completely unsupported to do this via SQL. The only supported way to do this is via the SDK. I know that it can be done as I have seen a POC of this type of thing before. I didn't write it so I don't have the code to do it either.
  16. There is no way to edit this via SQL. If it is available, it will be within the CM07/CM12 SDKs. Have you look in there yet?
  17. Are you looking for a report or a collection query? You state report but you posted a collection query, so... If you are looking for a report have you looked at the built-in reports, what wrong with them.
  18. There are no built-in web portals to do what you want. You will need to do one of the following. Look at 3rd solutions, like Flexera or 1e. Look at something like SCSM with orchestrator Advertise to a security group and have the HD add the user or pc into the group keep in mind that a logon / reboot is need to get this to work Personally I would try the 3rd party solutions.
  19. So describe the process that you want your HD admins to use to install the software. This will give us a better idea as to pointing you in the right direction to deploy the SW to the PCs. aka do they logon to the PC and trigger the install Do they add the PC into a group Do they add the user into a group What is you SLA to install the SW? etc...
  20. The Select * will allow you to see more information about the PC, instead of just the PC name as you have it now.. either way I’m glad it is working for you.
  21. Why can’t you do that? Admin are just users, You can target SW to Admins and since the SW is target to Admins only, admins are the only ones that can see it and install it. Personally I avoid like the plague giving out the CM12 console to anyone. Instead I use security group to target software, this allow Helpdesk staff to add a user to a security group and the software will be installed after the user login. IMO the real question that you need to answer is what are you trying to do. Are you trying to create a web interface to allow HD to install software remotely on a PC or do you want the Admins to logon to each PC and install the SW.
  22. If you have user AI enabled this will do the trick. select CS.Name0, SCU.LastConsoleUse0 from dbo.v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS join dbo.v_GS_SYSTEM_CONSOLE_USER SCU on CS.ResourceID = SCU.ResourceID where SCU.SystemConsoleUser0 = <Userid>
  23. First off, I would do Select * ... Secondly, Change the = to Like and everything will be good.
  24. Everything look fine. Except you need to browse to <servername>/Reports instead.
  25. Check your MP and review the client logs to see why it is not talking to the MP.
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