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Everything posted by GarthMJ

  1. You MUST use the CM07 Backup task, if you ever want to restore you site. There is no “if”, “and” or “but” about it. Using a snapshot is not support either but does works only if there is a single site and SQL is installed on the same server as CM07, but I still recommend doing the CM07 backup too. This way you are still supported by MS.
  2. This post will tell you how to get the heartbeat. http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2011/02/03/pc-s-last-heartbeat-date-amp-time.aspx
  3. That is a Software Inventory report which has nothing to do with either AI or Hardware Inventory. BTW I always recommend not enabling SW inv. There is just too much overhead and very little gain. You should look at Count of all instances of software registered with Add or Remove Programs instead.
  4. Sorry No. Advert status is based on status messages not inventory data. You could try resending the same advert to those clients but....
  5. @MDMoore313 Is that for the same time frame?? it si unclear from your log snip-it
  6. There are two things. This should fix itself. If this doesn’t fix itself within 2 HW inventory cycles (default 14 days), the only way to fix this is to force a full inventory to occur. Download this tool and force a full inventory http://sourceforge.net/projects/smsclictr/
  7. What is the title of the report you are running?
  8. I don't see anything in that log file that indicated CM12 is forcing the reboot of the WS. Have you confirmed that no SU have been applied to these WS? Have you confirm that the time zone settings are correct? Are the MW setup to use UTC? Are you sure that only one MW applies to these WS? What does the Event Viewer say? Aka are there any other items within it that might lead to what is going on? What about schedule tasks?
  9. The Execmgr.log would be the first place that I would look for a CM12 issue. Do you have an silent Adverts? What do they do? Have you create Maintenance windows for your PCs? This will prevent rebooting outside of those windows.
  10. That is correct. A package with no source will NEVER be deployed to a DP. To this this remove it from the DP and everything will get good.
  11. You can't do this via CM12 but you might be able to do this via GPOs.
  12. Look at the properties of the ARP64 line.. You will find that it say "Join" or "Inner Join", this needs to be changed to an "Outer join".. and by the looks of it a "Left outer join". I would write this for you but I'm sitting in lobby of my car dealer waiting for my car to be fixed. :-)
  13. What you are asking for is not a simple request. However you can quickly determine if a query name exists by creating a query with the following: select * from sms_query where query.name = '<your query name>' BTW watch out for typos and I free hand wrote this query.. but it should work.
  14. If I understand you question correctly, yes you can have more than one report services point within CM12. BTW I just tested this yesterday myself..
  15. The problem is going to be related to you query and how you have the joins setup... You will need to use Left outer joins to solve this issue, you will need to do this on the Joins tab.
  16. How would CM know that a PC hasn't been active in AD for 60 days? There should be a query already built-in to CM that will show you are PCs that are non-clients. You can use this query to create a collection.
  17. This simples thing is remove your SUP, Remove WSUS. Reboot Then install WSUS then Add SUP back again.
  18. When you logon locally, Launch CM12 console. Got to Administration | Security | Administrative Users , Then add your user account or AD group as Full Administrator.
  19. If you logon using the local account is CM12 still working correctly? If so just assign yourself permission to access CM12.
  20. Based on what you have told us, I would assume it was because a number of the PCs don’t have the CM12 client installed on them.
  21. It looks like you are having a network issue (see the recoverable error at the beginning of the log) and you might also have BITS throttling enabled too, hence why it is taking so long to download. I would check you BITS setting and take a look at the network for what is going on there too.
  22. Since this is clearly an lab setup. Beta version are not support to be installed in product so…. I would re-install CM12 with the released version of CM12 SP1.
  23. Here are a few blog posts on the subject. http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2007/05/08/subset-query.aspx http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2007/05/10/wql-subset-query.aspx http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2007/05/09/sql-subset-query.aspx Wish me luck, I'm just about to install Windows 8 on this laptop! Who know when I will be back online!
  24. If you don't have the CM12 or CM07 agent installed then you can't get any results for them. You need to install the agent on all PCs. Also keep in mind that CM12 with SP1 now supports MAC.
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