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Everything posted by GarthMJ

  1. Yes that query can be used to create CM12 report. Create the report just as you would for any other report.
  2. Here you go. http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2012/11/09/list-all-mac-address-with-service-names.aspx
  3. Err.. I will disagree with you on ARP details. Almost every application use ARP, it is one of the requirement to get your application certified for Windows.
  4. What is wrong with uisng the built-in report call "Count of all instances of software registered with Add or Remove Programs"?
  5. I hate to say this but if you are working with CSS, you should continue working with them to resolve all of your issues. The main reason for this is that anything that we say or tell you to do. I might step on what the CSS team are trying to do and therefore it might take longer to get things fixed. Plus the CSS team will likely be faster at fixing your issues then the forums.
  6. This is really an AD question not a CM07/CM12 question. AD is the only thing that can tell you who was the last on to logon to a PC and when that was. OpsMgr can help with that if you use ACS.
  7. It is not support to have two PC with the same NetBIOS name within CM12. Your only option is to rename this PCs to have a unique NetBIOS Name.
  8. Although theoretically possible, this would NOT make good sense. The reason is simple if you have a CAS all data from ALL companies would be replicated between all primary server. This would mean that anyone at any companies could see data from the other companies. Even worse yet, if any of those companies do any management task, they could affect the other companies. From a security stand point will never get approved.
  9. CM07 is NOT the going to help you with this. The only way you are going to get that data is from AD. OM07/ OM12 would be better suited for this or a standard DSQuery.
  10. There is your first problem. You are run PoSH script. :-) The answer is: you are comparing apples and oranges. This PoSH script is query the CI for SU, the WQL query is comparing the CI for DCM.
  11. Why do you say the query is not working? It looks fine to me..
  12. Actually you could not add IP address to a collection in CM07. You could add IP address to either a query or a report in CM07, however I almost always recommend not adding IP addresses. You still can't add IP adress in CM12 either.
  13. I hate to say it but for urgent issues like this, you should call CSS for support. They are the best ones to help you in a timely fashion.
  14. I’m sure that you can wmic but I use Wbemtest instead, particularly since it will allow me to connect to remote PCs.
  15. V_GS_Add_Remove_Programs will only give you 32bit PCs, use v_Add_Remove_Programs, instead it will give you both x64 and x86.
  16. try this http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2012/10/18/pc-by-gateway.aspx
  17. GarthMJ

    SMS reports

    It looks like each fo those KB have been supereed. So there is no way to report on these details.
  18. The last 4 itmes on this link plus the wiki note will solve this for you. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb680896.aspx
  19. oooppps, Wrrong post. This one should get you started.. http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2008/08/14/add-date-filter-to-advert-status.aspx
  20. Try this. http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2012/10/18/software-by-ou.aspx
  21. try this http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2012/10/18/software-by-ou.aspx
  22. This built-in report in CM07 or CM12 will give you these details.
  23. Is this for SSRS or ASP reporting?
  24. FYI This report should give you just about everything that you need. http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2008/02/04/basic-all-in-one.aspx
  25. No, That WQL view does not exist within CM12. Try Configuration Item Compliance State instead.
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