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Everything posted by GarthMJ

  1. Are you sure??? you will likely find that was not the case and the full inventory has "fixed" it.
  2. I would force a full hardware inventory on one fo the PC to confirm that it has the correct data. if that works then force full hardware inventory on the whole collection. These blogs will help you with these tasks. https://www.enhansoft.com/?s=force+hardware+inventory
  3. you have looked within Resource explorer and confirm what build number they are showing right?
  4. I see nothing wrong with that query and I tested it within my environment and it only shows 16299 build computers. I would update your query again and force the collection to update.
  5. Can you please post the full query to be reviewed.
  6. I see nothing in there but if the error is a red herring, I would expect to either. I would make sure that the MSI isn't blocked. I will manually install it as the local system account https://verbalprocessor.com/2007/12/05/running-a-cmd-prompt-as-local-system/ if it fails, send this to q-pulse and get them to tell you why it is failing. if this works then it is an interactive setup or x64 issues.
  7. Have you talked to Q-Pulse about this? I have a hard time believing that the local system account which has more rights than the administrator account doesn't have the right rights. IMO the error is more likely a red herring and there is another true error.
  8. Did you create and review the MSI log file? This will tell you why it is failing.
  9. the script will work as you because you have access to the share. The script will not work from CM as the computer account generally don't have access to network shares.
  10. That is because you are trying to copy the shortcut from a UNC. Since you are using PowerShell, create the shortcut or copy the shortcut from the local folder.
  11. I’m sure that you can use PowerShell to do this. With a bit of googling and cutting & pasting this should work.
  12. You don't need a product code to uninstall an application. use your PowerShell script.
  13. You will need to provide more details. Yes, you can uninstall the software but only if there is a way to uninstall that software. That is your first step, is to determine if you can uninstall the software. No one can help you with that you need to review the software or talk to the vendor.
  14. The funning is I have a rough draft blog post mostly written on how to install the SQL WMI providers. The WMI providers seem to be removed when you applied some of the SQL SU. It wasn't something I thought of when you posted here.
  15. I always enabled Names Pipes. However, if you have an open ticket with MS, I strongly recommend that you don't continue with troubleshooting in the forums. Items I guess might conflict with item CSS suggest. This will increase the time it takes to solve the problem and may cause new problems.
  16. You didn't answer the question about SQL names pipes. if you have opened a case with CSS, I never recommend that you continue with forum posts. Thye ideas can conflict and cause more problems, as such keep with the CSS ticket.
  17. This WMI class is not enabled by default within hardware inventory. You would enable it as you would any other class.
  18. Since you are on CMCB 1606, You missed the obvious things like. - Are you running a supported version of CMCB? - Is SQL running the latest SP/CU? - Is the OS uptodate? etc.
  19. Since a SU is limited to 1000 SU, this doesn't make sense to do. Instead, create or purchase that can report set the will report on all SUG.
  20. This blog might help. https://www.enhansoft.com/blog/why-wont-collections-update-on-the-cas
  21. Have you enabled software inventory Is software inventory Inventoring .lnk files? Is there a reason you aren't just using a configuration baseline? it is easier to do this.
  22. I wouldn't bother with a collection for this. instead, I would just deploy these SU just as you would any other SU. I would use this to determine what SU to deploy. https://www.enhansoft.com/blog/how-to-determine-what-software-updates-are-required-within-configuration-manager
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