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Everything posted by Tay

  1. Thanks for responding anyweb. I set my deployment schedule to As soon as possible but that just sets the deadline to the time of deployment. Updates are still installing automatically and I don't see a way to not have a deadline. What am I missing? THanks!
  2. I have my workstations fully compliant with software updates and have moved on to servers. We want to be able to download updates but manually install them. The only way I could get this to work is by setting the install deadline to 2015 or something. Otherwise it just installs updates automatically which we don't want in our datacenter. It appears SCCM overrides the GPO setting of Auto Download and Notify for Install. I was curious how everyone else is patching servers using SCCM 2012.
  3. Think I got it. So office has an updates folder lol. Just put the udpates in that and voila!
  4. Yeah if 7 is updating then its not a problem with the gpo. But I am curious how the config manager client on that newly imaged machine knows what software is installed besides the O/S. Is it possible to run a hardware scan in the task sequence to get that data? Maybe it doesn't know office is installed so it just fails?
  5. Under Scheduled scans for your custom antimalware policy try disabling Force a scan of the selected scan type if client computer is offline during two or more scheduled scans. If this is set to True it will start a full scan whenever the client starts up if it has missed the last two scheduled scans. But if it happens every 2 days that is strange.
  6. Are you using bits? Bits and SCCM do not get along. This article might help http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917485
  7. I have tried many ways to deploy updates but this works best so far in my environment. ADR's Win 7 Endpoint - Endpoint checks every few hours for updates Win XP Endpoint Win 7 Updates - Updates run every 3rd Tuesday of the month. ADR stays active to keep machines that have been off the network compliant when they check in but it won't deploy any new released updates until the ADR runs again on Tuesday. Win XP Updates Office Updates Software Group Adobe Updates - This is not a ADR. I just import the most current updates for Acro, Reader, and flash to this group and deploy with Patch Tuesday.
  8. Once you get it figured out its easy. I have everything automated so I just check SCUP to see if there are any adobe updates before patch tuesday and add it to the deployment. I usually test it a little but it only takes me a couple hours a month. I just wish they would include a Java catalog.
  9. Wish I could help. My DP's are all win 7 because we have no server O/S at our remote branches. Still trying to figure out how I am going to upgrade all those XP clients out there.
  10. Might as well deny that WSUS policy and see what happens. I had to remove our WSUS GP's to get SCCM ADR's working.
  11. If your DP is windows 7 it doesn't support pxe or multicast.
  12. WMI problems? I would check the application event logs on some of those clients to see if there are any issues with WMI and if the ccmeval is succeeding.
  13. Enable reporting services, then software inventory, and also hardware inventory if you want accurate reports. Under Monitoring/Reporting/Reports you want Software - Companies and Products.
  14. Get rid of sub net boundaries and switch to IP.
  15. It doesn't support XP???
  16. This post can be deleted. For some reason my Win 7 collection was not updating. I deploy CM client settings by location and Malware by O/S. It was in the right collection for location but I forgot to check the Windows 7 collection as well. After updating endpoint is deploying again.
  17. Custom client Endpoint settings have not changed. The computers show up in the right collections and the all systems query. Anyone know what log files can give me a clue as to what is going on? So far I have been digging through client and server side logs with no luck.
  18. Command to disable auto update. JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0
  19. I cant take credit for this script. I found it some place but it is one of the best VB scripts I have used for removing Java. It will remove all versions except for 7u7. Short and sweet just how I like it. Now if I can just find the command to disable auto update. 'Start Script On Error Resume Next strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") 'Uninstall Java 2 Runtime Environment, J2SE Runtime Environment Set colJava4dot3 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product Where Name like 'Java 2 Runtime Environment Standard Edition %'") For Each objSoftware in colJava4dot3 objSoftware.Uninstall() Next 'Uninstall Java 2 Runtime Environment, J2SE Runtime Environment Set colJava4dot3 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product Where Name like 'J2SE Runtime Environment %'") For Each objSoftware in colJava4dot3 objSoftware.Uninstall() Next 'Uninstall Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE * Set colJava4dot3 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product Where Name like 'Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE %'") For Each objSoftware in colJava4dot3 objSoftware.Uninstall() Next 'Uninstall Java 6 Update * Set colJava6dot = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product Where Name like 'Java 6 Update %'") For Each objSoftware in colJava6dot objSoftware.Uninstall() Next 'Uninstall Java 7 Update * Set colJava6dot = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product Where Name like 'Java 7 Update %'") For Each objSoftware in colJava6dot objSoftware.Uninstall() Next 'Uninstall Java 7 * Set colJava7 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product Where Name like 'Java %'") For Each objSoftware in colJava7 objSoftware.Uninstall() Next
  20. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbyerrormessage/tp/system_error_codes_1600_1699.htm http://desktopengineer.com/msierrors
  21. I setup separate ADR's for XP, 7, Office, and Endpoint. Endpoint checks for updates every few hours and the rest only update on patch Tuesday. The ADR will keep new machines compliant and will only apply new updates once a month. You can go through each deployment and remove beta and service packs if you like. The post below should help. http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5956-software-updates-automate-it-guide/page__hl__updates
  22. The CM client should add it to the trusted sites and I use a GP to add it as well. It works for the most part but I do have a few comps that always prompt the user. The site is in the intranet trusted zone but some users still get it. Haven't been able to figure it out.
  23. So for anyone else out there having issues with old data showing up in reporting you will need to run Hardware Inventory to get accurate reports. It doesn't make much sense to me but at least its working now and I know what Java versions are left.
  24. Also make sure the MSP file is in the Updates folder and the config.xml file is in the root with setup.exe. Your config.xml should look something like this. <Configuration Product="SingleImage"> <Display Level="basic" CompletionNotice="yes" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> <!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Single Image Setup(*).txt" /> --> <!-- <USERNAME Value="Customer" /> --> <!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="MyCompany" /> --> <!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> --> <!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> --> <!-- <LIS SOURCELIST="\\server1\share\Office;\\server2\share\Office" /> --> <!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office" /> --> <!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> --> <!-- <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" /> --> <!-- <Command Path="%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> --> </Configuration>
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