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Everything posted by sekhar

  1. Thanks for your response Peter and Ath3na Yes we can re-run and schedule it, But we are checking the whether PC required reboot or not, If its required it will give the pop-up to the user, else it will not run on that PC, for this we are doing monthly once with new deployment type creation, Want to know is there any way we can automate it, Let me know if you need further details. Thanks in Advance Sekhar G
  2. Hi All, We are running one application monthly once, Is it possible to automate it, as you know from SCCM it wont re-run on again once the advertisement is succeeded right so we are creating new deployment type every month, How can we achieve this by automation, It has to run on monthly? Please suggest me. Thanks in Advance Regards Sekhar G
  3. Hi Peter, Please find this link http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6549-facing-error-while-instaling/ i attached the log file for that error Thanks
  4. Hi i checked the client logs in that i check exec.mgr logs Failed to instantiate UI Server {C2F23AE4-82D8-456F-A4AF-A2655D8CA726} with error 80004005 Failed to instantiate UI Server 2 {E8425D59-451B-4978-A2AB-641470EB7C02} with error 80004005 Failed to instantiate Updates UI Server {2D023958-73D0-4542-8AD6-9A507364F70E} with error 80004005 Failed to instantiate VApp UI Server {00AAB372-0D6D-4976-B5F5-9BC7605E30BB} with error 0x80004005 This is the error
  5. Hi Mikey, It is windows 7 operating systems SCCM 2007. if it is WMI issue how can we solve? i think that we have to run a script and follow some commands... till now i didn't tested once i complete that one and it is successfull very soon i'll share it but before that i want to know if any one can find other alternatives Thanks
  6. Hi, i am also troubling with the same issue... can any one help to solve this one? Thanks in advance
  7. logs.txtlogs.txt Hi, I am using SCCM 2007 and i am new to this in some client machines they are getting the following error Failed to instantiate UI Server {C2F23AE4-82D8-456F-A4AF-A2655D8CA726} with error 80004005 Failed to instantiate UI Server 2 {E8425D59-451B-4978-A2AB-641470EB7C02} with error 80004005 Failed to instantiate Updates UI Server {2D023958-73D0-4542-8AD6-9A507364F70E} with error 80004005 Failed to instantiate VApp UI Server {00AAB372-0D6D-4976-B5F5-9BC7605E30BB} with error 0x80004005 The user has logged off. and in Software Installer it is showing for a long time... and failed after that nearly 5-7 days. Thanks in Advance
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