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Installing Visio 2007 via Application catalogue
Jedan71 posted a topic in Configuration Manager 2012
Having built a System Center (cm)12 for the purpose of WSUS and imaging of a new Win 7 and to deploy applications via the application catalogue. I have followed the instructions of this site. FANTASTIC but the question of getting just Visio, not office 2007 to deployment via the application catalogue I can’t find an answer to…. First you have issue relating to exe to MSI for the catalogue to display, and got many exe based apps to deploy and work all via the catalogue with approval and detection methods working but i just can’t get Visio to install correctly from the catalogue. Visio is shown in the catalogue, approval works and then it tries to install with various errors. Each time I change anything, it prompts me to say it has a new software and I clear the CCMCache folder via the client to ensure it pulls the new on down. Using setup.exe /visio.msp /config config.xml, nothing happens: I have amend the config.xml to include the PID key (with works on a manual install VLK version) it gives error 30030 Using setup.exe /config.xml just reinstalls office back on to the already installed version from the fat image. Using the setup.exe /adminfile "\\****\Deployment\Applications\Office 2007 Professional Plus\Setup_visio.msp" /config \\****\Deployment\Applications\Office 2007 Professional plus\config.xml gave error 30066 I feel as I am going round in circles and yet I have goggled answers and they all point to the methods I have tried. -
Jedan71 started following Newbie Help
Hi, I am a complete newbie to this topic, i have inherited a system of sccm 2007 from the outgoing tech.That didnt work properly so i followed the forums on this site for the new System Center 2012 full edition from our volume licence site.. Personally trying to re-engineer how it works and how our outgoing system worked. As looks like a great topic once you can understand it all. I successfully built a single site with added role of app catalog and DP etc, i was able to capture win 7 image and then build tasks to build a new hardware using image, got the new fat client on the machine and domain joined. Working brill, ( many thanks, told many friends about this site) But now the app catalog in IE will display the app for systems, and listed the apps for users on approval, BUT now when install or requesting approval for app it displays. " You can browse the App catlog and view lists etc, however to install requests you must use supported IE and Config mgr must be installed....." Add insult to injury when booting from previous successfull boot media for TS reimage i get errror 0x80004005 ( iwas checking out on a fresh machine the ccm install). I am slightly lost to find a common fault or complete seperate ones, Site staus gives errors on the MP: MP Control Manager detected management point is not responding to HTTP requests. The HTTP status code and text is 500, Internal Server Error. All component staus is green tick. Windows firewall disabled. Smsts.log gives: <![LOG[setting _SMSTSUseFirstCert TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.129+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:580"> <![LOG[setting _SMSTSx64UnknownMachineGUID TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.129+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:580"> <![LOG[setting _SMSTSx86UnknownMachineGUID TS environment variable]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.129+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:580"> <![LOG[Root CA Public Certs=]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.129+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:591"> <![LOG[Missing root CA environment variable from variables file]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.129+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:597"> <![LOG[Custom hook from X:\\TSConfig.INI is ]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.129+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:646"> <![LOG[No hook is found to be executed before downloading policy]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.129+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:670"> <![LOG[Authenticator from the environment is empty.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.144+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:809"> <![LOG[Need to create Authenticator Info using PFX]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.144+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:821"> <![LOG[set media certificate in transport]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.191+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:9220"> <![LOG[set authenticator in transport]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.191+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:7592"> <![LOG[CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: AKSC12.tnzi.com:80 GET /SMS_MP/.sms_aut?MPKEYINFORMATION]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.207+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="340" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8422"> <![LOG[Error. Status code 500 returned]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.768+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="340" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8786"> <![LOG[dwResultCode == 200, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,5155)]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.768+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="340" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:5155"> <![LOG[RequestMPKeyInformation: Send() failed.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.768+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="3" thread="340" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:5155"> <![LOG[MPKeyInformation.RequestMPKeyInformation(szTrustedRootKey), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,9229)]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.768+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="340" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:9229"> <![LOG[Failed to get information for MP: "***serverfqdn.com***. 80004005.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="3" thread="340" file="tsmbootstraputil.cpp:1429"> <![LOG[sMP.length() > 0, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstraputil.cpp,1437)]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="340" file="tsmbootstraputil.cpp:1437"> <![LOG[TSMBootstrapUtil::SelectMP ( sSMSTSMP.c_str(), sMediaPfx.c_str(), sMediaGuid.c_str(), sAuthenticator.c_str(), sEnterpriseCert.c_str(), sServerCerts.c_str(), nHttpPort, nHttpsPort, bUseCRL, sSiteCode, sAssignedSiteCode, sMP, sCertificates, sX86UnknownMachineGUID, sX64UnknownMachineGUID), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,871)]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:871"> <![LOG[Exiting TSMediaWizardControl::GetPolicy.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="340" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:1335"> <![LOG[pWelcomePage->m_pTSMediaWizardControl->GetPolicy(), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawelcomepage.cpp,303)]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="340" file="tsmediawelcomepage.cpp:303"> <![LOG[setting wizard error: An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer (0x80004005). For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="268" file="tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp:1504"> <![LOG[WelcomePage::OnWizardNext()]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="268" file="tsmediawelcomepage.cpp:340"> <![LOG[skipping Confirmation Page.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="268" file="tsmediaconfirmationpage.cpp:170"> <![LOG[skipping Task Sequence Selection Page.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="268" file="tsmediataskselectionpage.cpp:118"> <![LOG[skipping Variables Selection Page.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="268" file="tsmediavariablesselectionpage.cpp:155"> <![LOG[skipping Resolve Progress Page.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="268" file="tsmediaresolveprogresspage.cpp:96"> <![LOG[Activating Finish Page.]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="0" thread="268" file="tsmediafinishpage.cpp:107"> <![LOG[Loading bitmap]LOG]!><time="13:06:40.784+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSMBootstrap" context="" type="1" thread="268" file="tsmbootstrap.cpp:1065"> <![LOG[Executing command line: X:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /k]LOG]!><time="13:50:40.184+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="752" file="bootshell.cpp:761"> <![LOG[The command completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="13:50:40.184+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="752" file="bootshell.cpp:843"> <![LOG[successfully launched command shell.]LOG]!><time="13:50:40.184+480" date="07-19-2012" component="TSBootShell" context="" type="1" thread="752" file="bootshell.cpp:430"> I dont know or why it has changed, i have no other reference to talk to, here in New Zealand latest skills like this are far and few... Please can someone help me, as it seems that i am going round in circles. Thanks Alex