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  1. Hi, Can this be used like the LTISuspend in MDT task sequences?
  2. hi, did you manage to resolve this? I've got the exact same issue.
  3. Update: Have disabled Secure Boot, I was then able to change mode from UEFI to CSM, this worked. But any reason why UEFI isn't working as it is for other devices? What drawbacks are there from changing from UEFI to CSM?
  4. i'm getting the same issue with a new device - Toshiba Z10t, other UEFI and non UEFI devices are able to boot and build fine. I've also tried adding the network and storage drivers to my boot image. Same issue. Help please.
  5. seems like all machines are having this problem afterall. checked ClientIDmanagerStartup.log and found that the client is not registering, it keeps cycling but never actually registers. The only way I can get this working is to delete the machine entry from SCCM and reinstall the client. Not sure why this has started happening all of a sudden.
  6. to confuse matters even more, just found that it's not ALL machines but most, just rebuilt one where the client is fine. Action components are there.
  7. Hi, I have the same issue. Machines that are built and have the client installed via SCCM Task Sequence dont seem to be getting the other policies, under the actions tab I have machine policy and user policy only. initiating action for either of these does not do anything. Neilb's suggestion above, deleting the SMSCFG.ini file seems to have started activity in the log files under c:\windows\system32\ccm\logs but there is nothing obvious that is erroring. this seems to have started some time last week, machines built in the same way prior to a day last week are fine, all newly built machines have client issues. Any ideas?
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