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  1. Hi All, I'm doing some work with a Windows 8.1 build using SCCM 2012. Everything is working fine and i'm using features in MDT 2013, however I can't get the OSDResults page to load at all. Does this work on 8.1? Even if I load it in the OS it fails, the program crashes straight away. Thanks, Andy
  2. Thanks Peter, I believe I have seen this post. I'll check the pointsec links when in the office tmrw. As an aside question is there anyway to unprotect the files USMT protects?
  3. Thanks for the reply Peter, but afraid thats not the case. Does anyone have an ideas to get around this? At the moment i've hit a dead end. Thanks, Andy
  4. No we are using USMT to capture data and store it on the server. The files it says are protected are the xmls used for the scan state and the local working directory. I believe it also references other area such a boot and system32.
  5. Hello, I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction. We are using SCCM 2007 and UDI Toolkit 12 to deploy new WIndows 7 machines through a task sequence. We are now trying to migrate from XP to Windows 7 using USMT 4.0. We are trying to do this through the PE environment. We have it successfully doing a scan state, however we run into issues when applying the new OS. I'll mention at this point we have PointSec full disk encryption running on these devices. If we do the scanstate and use the task sequence option to format and partition the disk. It fails as it says the files are protected, these are the ones protected by USMT. So all the xml files, working directory. I think it also protects areas such as boot. I've tried calling a disk part myself and doing a clean, delete of volumes and re-creating them. It then allows it to install the OS, however whenever it does its first reboot it says no OS is present. When I run diskpart its changed the volume to RAW and you cannot access the data. I've tried various combinations on running both types of formats/partitions cleans etc.. One thing I cannot make sense of is that we use the task sequence format and partition when we don't need to save data. So this just blows away XP with encryption and puts on Windows 7, i've tried using this same command but it doesn't have the same effect. Anyone able to help please? Thanks, Andy
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