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  1. Reinstalled the Management Point and IIS, created a new DP, distributed boot images and images to the new DP. We are now getting another error failed to receive response with winhttp; 80072ee2 TSPxe 11/14/2013 2:44:43 PM 1120 (0x0460) m_pHttpTransport->Send (0, 0, pServerReply, nReplySize), HRESULT=80072ee2 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,5159) TSPxe 11/14/2013 2:44:43 PM 1120 (0x0460) MPKeyInformation.RequestMPKeyInformationForMedia(szTrustedRootKey), HRESULT=80072ee2 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,9410) TSPxe 11/14/2013 2:44:43 PM 1120 (0x0460) Failed to get information for MP: http://SCCMCAS.cpsb.org. 80072ee2. TSPxe 11/14/2013 2:44:43 PM 1120 (0x0460)
  2. We just upgraded to SCCM 2012 R2 a week ago, tested image deployment with the new PEs and everything worked perfectly. Now, all imaging is failing at this same point. I have rechecked the NAA, tried my account as the NAA and still gives the same issue. We have the "anon" checked on the distribution point settings. I can follow the url address and I can download the image without issue. IIS - Windows authentication is installed on the DP. What am I missing? Thank you in advanced. Smsts.log provided. Snippet of the errors in the log Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\i386\1033\TSRES.DLL' ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) 401 - Unsuccessful with anonymous access. Retrying with context credentials. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) 401 - Unsuccessful with context credentials. Retrying with supplied credentials. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) 401 - Authentication failure on all retries. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) SendWinHttpRequest failed. 80190191. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) SendWinHttpRequest (hSession, hConnect, hRequest, sRequest.c_str(), 0, bUseSSL, ullFileSize, LastGoodCredentialsType), HRESULT=80190191 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\downloadcontent.cpp,1480) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) DownloadFile() failed for http://SCCMISS.cpsb.org:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/CSS00098/sccm?/Windows%207%20Pre-Service%20Image.wim, C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\CSS00098\Windows 7 Pre-Service Image.wim. 80190191. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) DownloadFile (hSession, hConnect, sSourceFile.c_str(), sDestinationFile.c_str(), ulPackageSize, ulDownLoaded, LastGoodCredentialsType, bUseSSL), HRESULT=80190191 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\downloadcontent.cpp,1572) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) Error downloading file from http://SCCMISS.cpsb.org:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/CSS00098/sccm?/Windows%207%20Pre-Service%20Image.wim to C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\CSS00098\Windows 7 Pre-Service Image.wim ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) DownloadFiles() failed. 80190191. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) DownloadFiles (setDirs, setFiles, sDestination.c_str(), bUseSSL), HRESULT=80190191 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,2529) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) Download() failed. 80190191. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) DownloadContentAndVerifyHash() failed. 80070002. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) DownloadContentAndVerifyHash ( pszPackageID, L"SMSPackage", saHttpContentSources, saSMBContentSources, saMulticastContentSources, sDestination, dwFlags, L"", 0, dwPackageFlags, mapNetworkAccess ), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,3052) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) DownloadContentLocally (pszSource, sSourceDirectory, dwFlags, hUserToken, mapNetworkAccess), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,3273) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) TS::Utility::ResolveSource( this->packageID, this->packagePath, TS::Utility::ResolveSourceFlags::PersistContents | (this->forceRunFromNet ? TS::Utility::ResolveSourceFlags::ForceRunFromNet : 0) ), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,1767) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) resolvePkgSource(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,1810) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) Apply(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,2019) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) Installation of image 1 in package CSS00098 failed to complete.. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) installer.install(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,2094) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) ReleaseSource() for C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\CSS00098. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) The user tries to release a source directory C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\CSS00098 that is either already released or we have not connected to it. ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) InstallImage( g_InstallPackageID, g_ImageIndex, targetVolume, ImageType_OS, g_ConfigPackageID, g_ConfigFileName, bOEMMedia, g_RunFromNet ), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\applyos.cpp,509) ApplyOperatingSystem 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1596 (0x063C) Process completed with exit code 2147942402 TSManager 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1272 (0x04F8) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TSManager 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1272 (0x04F8) Failed to run the action: Apply Operating System. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows) TSManager 11/6/2013 7:57:58 AM 1272 (0x04F8)
  3. I am also having the same issue, but the Vista image and drivers were working perfectly pre-SP1 (SCCM 2012). We also discovered that our other Vista models (Dell Latitude E4300, E5400, E6500) are having the same driver issue as well. Like you I have looked through the logs and I am curious to see if you are getting a lot of entries stating "Failed to open Software\Microsoft\Sms\Mobile Client\Software Distribution registry key. The client should not get checked for RWH OpLock Type" during the Apply Driver stage.
  4. Anyone else running on a self-signed cert PXE DP, have alot of system files in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S-1-5-18?
  5. Discovered this morning that my PXE DP is out of space. I searched high and low for any large files, which resulted in none. Selected all files and folders and that resulted in 16gb out of 60gb. Found a KB article from MS stating this issue for Self-Signed Certs. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2713467 So now I have 40-45gb of files that I cannot access. We have tried to view the files in powershell, cmd shell, booted the server into a PE...everything bombs out. Looking at my local system, I navigate to that path and there a few files there with a size avg of 1-2kb. Does anyone know what would happen if we were to delete the files? Im hoping we could try and delete the folder and see how far it can get.
  6. SMSTS.log and sorted the other logs by most recent date modified. smsts.log
  7. Running into an issue where my Office software packages are downloading, but are not running the install commands. I see the package on the local drive and the system just sits there. I have pulled all the logs I can, but havent found anything.
  8. Just curious, have you tried imaging another machine and see if the unknown device will update itself (updated mac info) to the new machine being imaged?
  9. Is the unknown machine tagged as obsolete?
  10. In a weird situation with a XP SP3 image. I have a Dell Optiplex 755 that gets the XP image and applies the drivers, but does not install the drivers. So i applied the "rundll32.exe Syssetup.dll,UpdatePnpDeviceDrivers" command line, but I need this done in the PE or before the system restarts and goes into XP mini-setup as it will not join the domain b/c it cannot find a NIC driver. We have alot of other Dell models that we image with the same image and only this one is giving me problems like this. Any help is appreciated!
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