This is actually very usefull for finding which task sequence is having the trouble. But what would be more helpfull if there a way to un-hide or turn on the task sequences with interactive mode. So that let say you have a command-line TS, and you think there is a problem in the command, the task sequence by default runs that command-line in a hidden window. Don't get me wrong, I like the hidden window for command-line task sequences.... when they work. But let's say you have the syntax wrong or something really stupid like that going on. You would never even see. Unless there is a way that someone out there knows about ?
My current work around is to just create a package for that command-line and then in the program for that package have "Allow users to interact with this program" clicked.
I like this pause and I do use it, but it would be nice to have this feature buitl-in.