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Everything posted by AmrelMahdy

  1. Thanks,,, you are really the Best forums I've seen for Config manager
  2. You can Use third Party tools like: WinInstall LE
  3. Dears, Any recommendations ?
  4. Dears, I created a Configuration Item to a Registry Value and then created a Configuration baseline and deployed it and everything worked fine. Also i configured evaluation to be every 15 min from Client Settings , but for the evaluation to work on the first time i have to press the "Evaluation" button from sccm client from Configuration tab , is there an automated way so that the Evaluation starts automatic ? regards,
  5. You Dont have to Configure a GPO , in your Site , a server will have the SCCM role "Software Update" and it communicate with the clients to inform them with the updates , and Distribution point will distribute the updates , all communication is with the client installed on your Desktops and Servers
  6. Best way is to create Active Directory Forest assignment , it will create Site boundaries and IP boundaries, then assign the needed boundaries to your site
  7. For office , there is a tool named "Office Customization Tool OCT" this will help you to install Office in a silent mode , for other programs there are alot of fre tools like "Wininstall LE"
  8. Dears, I have a program A and Program B , some computers that have Program A installed , some computers have Program B installed , some Computers have A and B installed. I want to make a Collection for Computers that have program A installed and NOT program B Installed. I want to make a Collection for Computers that have program B installed and NOT program A Installed I want to make a Collection for Computers that have program A installed and program B Installed would you please provide me with the Query for those 3 cases
  9. Dears, am asking if there is an Antimalware Policy template for Lync 2013 ?
  10. Hey, I found a way to get the needed report "know users logged on a computers in a specifig collection" Asset Intelligence > Hardware 01A - Summary of computers in a specific collection
  11. The Templates occur by default on the server , you just have to import them , once you click on import from "Antimalware policies" it will be browsed to you
  12. for silent installation you have to deploy it using the below syntax: setup.exe /config .\ ProPlus.WW\config.xml ,, note the config.xml has some customization to be made like accepting EULA
  13. Dears, If there is a way to Query on Computers with Specific Mapped Network Drive , Example Z: Thanks,
  14. Administration > Client Settings > "Double click the Client Settings that is deployed on the Specified Collection" > EndPoint Protection > Install Endpoint Protection client on client computers > Make it False
  15. Did u do the Step "Distribute Content" ???
  16. Yeah u r Right ,, anyway thanks for your quick responses , I really like your forums )))
  17. But i See there is a report named "Computers for users in a specific domain" and that report generated for the whole users in the domain , so why they dont make a report "Compters for users in specific collection" ???
  18. OK I need to do that in the form of a report , the collection have more than 200 PC
  19. Dears, Am having a collection with certain computers there is a way so i can get the users who logged on those computers ??? regards,
  20. If Computers are added by Direct rule then they can be removed , but if they are added by a Query rule , it cannot be removed
  21. Dears, I have a command live that should be excuted from the run as follows: start > run > smc -stop the command "smc -stop" couldnt be run from cmd so how I can disitribute this command using the SCCM ? regards,
  22. Yeah I checked this Report but it didn't support me in this case because the list of users that i got their computers they log on will be in different Collections/OUs
  23. Ok That will generate a report for a specific user , but I have a list for 200 user I wont be Able to get the 200 one by one
  24. Dears, I have a list of all users in my company in an Excel sheet , is it possible to generate a report of the computers logged on by these users ? Thanks
  25. Dears, Thank you all for your Quick response , But I Found a Very Simple way , when i create the Answer file I have to do the following: CMD> <FullPath>\setup.exe -r -f1"<FullPath>\setup.iss Now we'll have setup.exe and setup.iss in the same location for the silent installation CMD> <FullPath>\setup.exe -s ,, and no need to point to the setup.iss file , it will be loaded automatically but it should be named as "Setup.iss" and created as shown in the first step ,, I distributed the Package using SCCM using the same Sytnax and it Worked , I really need to thank you all
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