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Everything posted by keywan

  1. Hi, I am using scsm 2022 and I have create to connectors. AD connector and Exchange connector successfully. and I Have installed on my scsm 2022 a smtp Server too an configure it as smtp Server and on The Advanced The smart host, I put here my exchange Server 2019 . On The scsm 2022 I create a Notifikation Channel and put there my scsm Server as smtp Server as anonymes and Port 25 exactly Like my smtp Server. The Return e-mail, put my hekpdesk@mydomain.com if I send a e-mail now to hekpdesk@mydomain.com, I cannot See no incident on The Incident Management ——> Incident e-mail what is here wrong?
  2. Hi, are there any alerts that can be setup so that an email is triggered when deployments or Windows Updates or Package are go out? For example: an email that would inform the users, each deployments or Windows Updates or Package has gone at X time? Regards
  3. Hi, thank you again for help. As I show yesterday with Java issue on the left site in Web Browser, my supposition was any issue with Java, but not with Web browser. on my local machine does work fine. But as you know, Internet Explorer is not support any more. It works with IE
  4. I am in Germany and we can do that tomorrow against 16:00 German time? Is that Ok for you? with PM, do you mean here in Web?
  5. Hi, I want to have my own Image Background for the following Wizard, but I cannot find the file locations and here, but not the Banner, the Background of the text
  6. I see here Reports in SCCM under BitLocker Management, no entries, it missing completely "de" "en-us" and... but on the right site I see the follwoing I think that is the reason why I cannot run "Reports", because under "Bitlocker Management" is missing all the directrories like "de" and "en-us". Am I right? I am using SCCM 2403 build I am using ConfigMgr
  7. I did follow your link before some days. What I cannot see on my SCCM--> Monitoring--> Bitlocker Management the following directories I think that is the reason. Here is my SCCM--->Monitoring---Bitlocker Managenet, I dont see here no directories "de" or "en-us" but I can see these, if I go to the http://cmmgr:80/ReportServer Or is the "MbamReportUsersGroupName" And I have these group on my AD too, only with other group names
  8. Hi, I am really not sure why my Reports Button on Bilocker Administration and Monitoring does not work If I do start the report server on the SCCM server, it is working http://cmmgr:80/ReportServer or if I connect to http://cmmgr:80/Reports What is wrog here? Thank you fro help
  9. Hi, I have a issue with Bitlocker Administration and Monitoring, if I go to "Manage TPM" and put my information's and want to reset the TPM password, getting the Error "The TPM owner password file is not found" Any Idea?
  10. You are welcome and thank you for help
  11. I have uninstalled the old ADK and installed the new one. version, 10.1.26100.1. Upgrade the Boot Image and recreate new MDT TS Now it is working and I can deploy my OS or Application with MDT and UDI
  12. Hi, I want to deploy a Application (with approval option on User Collections) on specific Windows machine when the user has logged in to multiple machines with the same user account. It mean as following: - Device A (Windows 10) , User A - Device B (Windows 10, User A (same user account) The user A log to the Device A and Device B, I deploy for example "ZOOM" on User Collections( here User A) but the User A can see on the Software only on Device A and not on Device B. Is that possible? As I know not with Board on the SCCM 2403. I know I can create different Account, but it is not our Policy in Company. Other Way is, create a custom client setting and put the Windows Machine there Is there other options or solution?
  13. the smsts.log1.txt is the log file before I changed the HTTP to HTTPS Please remember, I am using my TS with UDI designer. My TS did works successful with the SCCM 2207, after upgrade to 2403 does not work anymore smsts.log1.txt the smsts24052024.log.txt is the log file after I changed from HTTP to HTTPS. After changing the HTTP to HTTPS I have created again a new MDT TS and new MDT Toolkit Package and run my TS, gain the same error message. smsts24052024.log.txt
  14. But I have still the issue wit TS if I run my TS with MDT here if I try to install my Windows with TS UDI designer After downloading, it is crashed
  15. I have checked on the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\Extensions\Forms and change the HTTP to HTTPS, it seems to work and you can create a TS with MDT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SmsFormData FormatVersion="1.0" xmlns="https://schemas.microsoft.com/SystemsManagementServer/2005/03/ConsoleFramework"> <Form Id="{ef095b1c-2087-4369-bf8a-57986ba313c9}" CustomData="SCCM_CreateBootImage" FormType="CustomDialog" > <Assembly Name="Microsoft.BDD.CM12Actions.dll" Namespace="Microsoft.BDD.Actions" ClassType="WizardDispatch" /> </Form> </SmsFormData> try it, it works. But I am really not sure if the changing has any effected on the whole SCCM server settings or options
  16. Hi, did you see that Link? https://www.deploymentresearch.com/fixing-vbscript-support-in-windows-adk-sep-2023-update-build-25398/ I am not sure if that is the solution
  17. Hi, Please be sure that my Console does work fine, ONLY if I run by Task Sequence--->Create MDT Task Sequence, then the Console crashed I have the following .Net Version If Try to install the .Net 4.8, getting the message I checked the REG KEY Can I install the .Net 4.8 without any issue for SCCM server? I mean without any effect?
  18. MDT version 6.3.8456.1000 And the ADK version
  19. I have uninstalled the MDT and installed again and add to configured Configuration Integration, still the same issue
  20. Hi, Since I upgraded my SCCM to the version 2403, I cannot use any more MDT and UDI. I cannot create a new MDT Task Sequence and all my created MDT Package for UDI does not work too. I could to use UDI for Task sequence in my previous SCCM 2207 and could install Windows with UDI, but since SCCM 2403, I get every time by the step "Use Toolkit Package" the error Task Sequence has failed with the error code 0x00000001 in the task sequence step 'Use Toolkit Package. And I try to create a MDT TS, getting the Error And the Console is away Is it not more supported MDT and UDI by SCCM 2403?
  21. Hi I created a Runbook to add AD User to the domain.It is working fine Now I want to add that created AD user on The Exchange Server with „enable Mailbox“ on the "Identity" , I selected "User Principal Name", After Running The runbook, it created a AD user, but Cannot enable The AD user on The Exchange server Get error Error(s) executing PowerShell command: System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Property expression "dchor" isn't valid. Valid values are: Strings that includes '@', where '@' cannot be the last character. Inner exception: . Command info: Command name: Enable-Mailbox. Parameters: [Confirm:False]
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