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Everything posted by balubeto

  1. Hi Using Windows ADK 10, which commands are needed to convert an install.esd unencrypted file in an ISO with the install.wim or install.esd file? Thanks Bye
  2. I think I have understand what does not work: the efisys.bin and bootmgr.efi files are different in the two editions of Windows PE 5.x. So, there is a method to recreate them so that they work with both editions so that my CD will not have more problems to start with any type of UEFI-based computer? Thanks Bye
  3. To create an iso that works in any case, I thought to rename the two Efisys.bin in efisys_x32.bin and efisys_x64.bin and then use the command oscdimg -o -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:3#p0,e,b"<Windows_PE_Path>\Boot_files\etfsboot.com"#pEF,e,b"<Windows_PE_Path>\Boot_files\efisys_x32.bin"#pEF,e,b"<Windows_PE_Path>\Boot_files\efisys_x64.bin" "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64" "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32-x64.iso" to create the ISO. For you, with this method, I can reach my goal? Thanks Bye
  4. Perhaps, I discovered the problem: I noticed that the efisys.bin file of Windows PE 32 bit is different than 64 bit. So, how do I create a CD of Windows PE 32/64 bit fully working? Or rather, how do I create a efisys.bin single file? Thanks Bye
  5. After several attempts on different computer, I noticed that the only case in which the computer does not boot from my CD is the one in which this computer is a 64 bit with the UEFI. So, how do I solve this problem ie how do I make this CD so that it starts even with the 64 bit computers with UEFI? Thanks Bye
  6. Now, my procedure is as follows: 1) md "<Windows_PE_Path>" 2) md "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media" 3) md "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO" 4) copype x86 "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32" 5) copype amd64 "<Windows_PE_Path>\x64" 6) MakeWinPEMedia /ISO "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32" "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32.iso" 7) MakeWinPEMedia /ISO "<Windows_PE_Path>\x64" "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x64.iso" 8) robocopy "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32\fwfiles" "<Windows_PE_Path>\Boot_files" 9) rd "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32" /s /q 10) rd "<Windows_PE_Path>\x64" /s /q 11) powershell Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32.iso" 12) powershell Get-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32.iso" ^| Get-Volume 13) robocopy <Drive_Letter>:\ "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media" /e /a-:R 14) powershell Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32.iso" 15) ren "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\sources\boot.wim" boot_x32.wim 17) powershell Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x64.iso" 18) powershell Get-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x64.iso" ^| Get-Volume 19) robocopy <Drive_Letter>:\sources "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\sources" boot.wim /a-:R 20) ren "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\sources\boot.wim" boot_x64.wim 21) robocopy <Drive_Letter>:\EFI\Boot "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\EFI\Boot" bootx64.efi /a-:R 22) powershell Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x64.iso" 23) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" | find "device" 24) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set {default} description "<Windows_PE_x32_name>" 25) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /copy {default} /d "Windows_PE_x64_name>" 26) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set {default} device "ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,<Options_ID>" 27) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set {default} osdevice "ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,<Options_ID>" 28) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set <Windows_PE_x64_ID> device "ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,<Options_ID>" 29) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set <Windows_PE_x64_ID> osdevice "ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,<Options_ID>" 30) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true 31) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD" /set {default} description "<Windows_PE_x32_name>" 32) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD" /copy {default} /d "Windows_PE_x64_name>" 33) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD" /set {default} device "ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,<Options_ID>" 34) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD" /set {default} osdevice "ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,<Options_ID>" 35) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD" /set <Windows_PE_x64_ID> device "ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,<Options_ID>" 36) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD" /set <Windows_PE_x64_ID> osdevice "ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,<Options_ID>" 37) bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD" /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true 38) robocopy "<Windows_PE_Path>\Boot_files" "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-64\fwfile" 39) MakeWinPEMedia /iso "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64" "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32-x64.iso" 40) isoburn /Q <Drive_Letter>: "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32-x64.iso" Windows PE 32/64 bit works properly with computers that have the BIOS; while with those that have the UEFI, the CD does not boot and the screen remains black. Why? Thanks Bye
  7. I noticed a very curious detail: If I visualize the contents of the original BCD, this is displayed: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools>bcdedit /store "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Windows_PE\x32-x64\Media\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD" Windows Boot Manager -------------------- identifier {bootmgr} description Windows Boot Manager locale en-US inherit {globalsettings} flightsigning Yes default {default} displayorder {default} toolsdisplayorder {memdiag} timeout 30 Windows Boot Loader ------------------- identifier {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.efi description Windows Setup locale en-US inherit {bootloadersettings} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} systemroot \windows bootmenupolicy Standard detecthal Yes winpe Yes ems No C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools>bcdedit /store "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Windows_PE\x32-x64\Media\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD" /v Windows Boot Manager -------------------- identifier {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795} description Windows Boot Manager locale en-US inherit {7ea2e1ac-2e61-4728-aaa3-896d9d0a9f0e} flightsigning Yes default {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} displayorder {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} toolsdisplayorder {b2721d73-1db4-4c62-bf78-c548a880142d} timeout 30 Windows Boot Loader ------------------- identifier {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.efi description Windows Setup locale en-US inherit {6efb52bf-1766-41db-a6b3-0ee5eff72bd7} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot.wim,{7619dcc8-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} systemroot \windows bootmenupolicy Standard detecthal Yes winpe Yes ems No C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools> When, however, I modify the device and osdevice elements, with the bcdedit /store "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Windows_PE\x32-x64\Media\EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD" /set {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} and bcdedit /store "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Windows_PE\x32-x64\Media\EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD" /set {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} commands, the contents of the BCD is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools>bcdedit /store "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Windows_PE\x32-x64\Media\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD" Windows Boot Manager -------------------- identifier {bootmgr} description Windows Boot Manager locale en-US inherit {globalsettings} flightsigning Yes default {default} displayorder {default} toolsdisplayorder {memdiag} timeout 30 Windows Boot Loader ------------------- identifier {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{default} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.efi description Windows Setup locale en-US inherit {bootloadersettings} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{default} systemroot \windows bootmenupolicy Standard detecthal Yes winpe Yes ems No C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools>bcdedit /store "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Windows_PE\x32-x64\Media\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD" /v Windows Boot Manager -------------------- identifier {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795} description Windows Boot Manager locale en-US inherit {7ea2e1ac-2e61-4728-aaa3-896d9d0a9f0e} flightsigning Yes default {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} displayorder {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} toolsdisplayorder {b2721d73-1db4-4c62-bf78-c548a880142d} timeout 30 Windows Boot Loader ------------------- identifier {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.efi description Windows Setup locale en-US inherit {6efb52bf-1766-41db-a6b3-0ee5eff72bd7} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} systemroot \windows bootmenupolicy Standard detecthal Yes winpe Yes ems No C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools> How do I avoid that the {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} identifier is construed as the {default} alias in the device and osdevice elements? My complete procedure is: md "<Windows_PE_Path>" md "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media" md "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO" copype x86 "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32" copype amd64 "<Windows_PE_Path>\x64" MakeWinPEMedia /ISO "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32" "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32.iso" MakeWinPEMedia /ISO "<Windows_PE_Path>\x64" "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x64.iso" robocopy "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32\fwfiles" "<Windows_PE_Path>\Boot_files" rd "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32" /s /q rd "<Windows_PE_Path>\x64" /s /q powershell Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32.iso" powershell Get-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32.iso" ^| Get-Volume robocopy <Drive_Letter>:\ "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media" /e /a-:R powershell Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32.iso" ren "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\sources\boot.wim" boot_x32.wim powershell Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x64.iso" powershell Get-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x64.iso" ^| Get-Volume robocopy "<Drive_Letter>:\sources" "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\sources" boot.wim ren "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\sources\boot.wim" boot_x64.wim robocopy <Drive_Letter>:\EFI\Boot "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\EFI\Boot" bootx64.efi powershell Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x64.iso" bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set {default} description "<Windows_PE_x32_name>" bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /copy {default} /d "Windows_PE_x64_name>" bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /v bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set <Windows_PE_x32_ID> device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,<Windows_PE_x32_ID> bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set <Windows_PE_x32_ID> osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,<Windows_PE_x32_ID> bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set <Windows_PE_x64_ID> device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,<Windows_PE_x32_ID> bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set <Windows_PE_x64_ID> osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,<Windows_PE_x32_ID> bcdedit /store "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true bcdedit /store <Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {default} description "<Windows_PE_x32_name>" bcdedit /store <Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /copy {default} /d "Windows_PE_x64_name>" bcdedit /store <Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /v bcdedit /store <Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set <Windows_PE_x32_ID> device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,<Windows_PE_x32_ID> bcdedit /store <Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set <Windows_PE_x32_ID> osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,<Windows_PE_x32_ID> bcdedit /store <Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set <Windows_PE_x64_ID> device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,<Windows_PE_x32_ID> bcdedit /store <Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set <Windows_PE_x64_ID> osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,<Windows_PE_x32_ID> bcdedit /store <Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64\Media\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu true robocopy "<Windows_PE_Path>\Boot_files" "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-64\fwfile" MakeWinPEMedia /iso "<Windows_PE_Path>\x32-x64" "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32-x64.iso" isoburn /Q <Drive_Letter>: "<Windows_PE_Path>\ISO\Windows_PE_x32-x64.iso" Where am I wrong? Thanks Bye
  8. I modified the BCD file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools>bcdedit /store "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Windows_PE\x32-x64\Media\Boot\BCD" Windows Boot Manager -------------------- identifier {bootmgr} description Windows Boot Manager locale en-US inherit {globalsettings} default {default} displayorder {default} {dd8eca84-f241-11e4-826f-000c29e7d067} toolsdisplayorder {memdiag} timeout 30 displaybootmenu Yes Windows Boot Loader ------------------- identifier {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{default} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exe description Windows PE a 32 bit locale en-US inherit {bootloadersettings} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{default} systemroot \windows bootmenupolicy Standard detecthal Yes winpe Yes ems No Windows Boot Loader ------------------- identifier {dd8eca84-f241-11e4-826f-000c29e7d067} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,{dd8eca84-f241-11e4-826f-000c29e7d067} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exe description Windows PE a 64 bit locale en-US inherit {bootloadersettings} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,{dd8eca84-f241-11e4-826f-000c29e7d067} systemroot \windows bootmenupolicy Standard detecthal Yes winpe Yes ems No C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools> but I have the same problem. Why? Thanks Bye
  9. I created the iso image with MakePEMedia utility and put it on a CD. Now, if I boot from CD with some computer (with BIOS or UEFI), I have only a black screen. Why? Thanks Bye
  10. Hi With Windows ADK and its MakeWinPEMedia utility, I created an ISO image of Windows PE 5.x but when I start it, it does not boot. His BCD is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools>bcdedit /store "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Windows_PE\ISO_debug\x32-x64\Boot\BCD" Windows Boot Manager -------------------- identifier {bootmgr} description Windows Boot Manager locale en-US inherit {globalsettings} default {default} displayorder {default} {551baeb5-f0aa-11e4-826f-000c29e7d067} toolsdisplayorder {memdiag} timeout 30 Windows Boot Loader ------------------- identifier {default} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{default} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exe description Windows PE a 32 bit locale en-US inherit {bootloadersettings} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x32.wim,{default} systemroot \windows detecthal Yes winpe Yes ems No Windows Boot Loader ------------------- identifier {551baeb5-f0aa-11e4-826f-000c29e7d067} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,{default} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exe description Windows PE a 64 bit locale en-US inherit {bootloadersettings} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\boot_x64.wim,{default} systemroot \windows detecthal Yes winpe Yes ems No C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools> Where am I wrong? Thanks Bye
  11. Hi I installed Workstation 11.x on Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate 64 bit. I created a VM for Windows 8 64 bit, I started it and are entered its EFI. From the VM ---> Removable Devices menu of Workstation, I tried to connect a USB stick but The "The connection for the USB device "Kingston USB DISK 2.0" was unsuccessful. Driver error." error is displayed. How come? How should I do to solve it? I attach the vmx and log file of the VM. Thanks Bye WS11_-_USB_device_error.zip
  12. Hi Since the iso image, that I am creating with oscdimg, slightly exceeds the capacity of a standard DVD, I was looking for some option that is able to reduce the size of this iso with UDF file system. I am using these options: -o -u2 -udfver102 -l -t -bootdata . By chance, there are other options to further reduce my ISO? Thanks Bye
  13. Hi If I perform the boot from the DVD of Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64 bit and then I open the Command Prompt, I can run a bat file containing some reg commands to edit the system registry of Windows 7 SP1? If not, how do I edit the system registry from the Windows 7 DVD? Thanks Bye
  14. Hi I use Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate 64 bit, I'm in a local area network (peer to peer), I not do use the homegroup service, and I have no firewall/antivirus activated. Now, I have a computer that has problems of resource sharing: 1) When opening Windows Explorer from this computer, the LAN computers are no longer displayed. If I access these computers via \\<Computer-Name>, I see only their resources but I do not see their shared folders. How come? 2) All the resources shared on this machine are no longer accessible to other computers. How come? Thanks Bye
  15. Hi From the Command Prompt of Windows 7 SP1, is there a way to disable the real-time protection of Microsoft Security Essentials? Thanks Bye
  16. Hi To try to disable the MSE when Windows starts, I created this bat file: @echo off taskkill /im msseces.exe /f /t taskkill /im MsMpEng.exe /f /t net stop MsMpSvc sc config "MsMpSvc" start= disabled Next, I created a scheduled task <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <Task version="1.3" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task"> <RegistrationInfo> <Date>2014-10-26T11:08:46.4219135</Date> <Author>Pippo\Balubeto</Author> </RegistrationInfo> <Triggers> <BootTrigger> <Enabled>true</Enabled> </BootTrigger> </Triggers> <Principals> <Principal id="Author"> <UserId>S-1-5-18</UserId> <RunLevel>HighestAvailable</RunLevel> </Principal> </Principals> <Settings> <MultipleInstancesPolicy>IgnoreNew</MultipleInstancesPolicy> <DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>false</DisallowStartIfOnBatteries> <StopIfGoingOnBatteries>true</StopIfGoingOnBatteries> <AllowHardTerminate>true</AllowHardTerminate> <StartWhenAvailable>false</StartWhenAvailable> <RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>false</RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable> <IdleSettings> <StopOnIdleEnd>true</StopOnIdleEnd> <RestartOnIdle>false</RestartOnIdle> </IdleSettings> <AllowStartOnDemand>true</AllowStartOnDemand> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <RunOnlyIfIdle>false</RunOnlyIfIdle> <DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession>false</DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession> <UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine>false</UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine> <WakeToRun>false</WakeToRun> <ExecutionTimeLimit>P3D</ExecutionTimeLimit> <Priority>7</Priority> </Settings> <Actions Context="Author"> <Exec> <Command>D:\Users\Public\Documents\balubeto\MSE_disabled.bat</Command> </Exec> </Actions> </Task> so that it goes running with the System's rights when the system starts up. When, however, I rebooted the system, the MSE service is still active. How come? Where did I do wrong? Thanks Bye
  17. Hi With Windows 7 SP1, how do I create a scheduled job in which his commands will be run with the System's rights on the Windows startup? Thanks Bye
  18. Hi With the Robocopy command of Windows 8.x, how do I do a copy of a file (renaming it) in the same directory of the source file? Thanks Bye
  19. Hi I am using Windows 8.1 Update and Windows ADK. Without using the ImageX command, how do I change the volume image flags values displayed with the Dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:"<WIM_File_Path>\<WIM_Name.wim" /Index:<Image_Index> command? Where are these values ​​stored? Thanks Bye
  20. Hi I would like to know if, with Windows 8.1 Update, there is a way to know if its installation has some of its corrupt file? Thanks Bye
  21. Hi I am using Windows 8.1 Update and Windows ADK. How do I change the name and description of the volume images stored in a wim file without using the ImageX command? In other words, if I should change the name and description of 4 volume images contained in a wim file, as I should do to do this without using the ImageX command? Thanks Bye
  22. What are the switches that I have forgotten? Thanks Bye
  23. Hi I am using Windows 8.1 Update Enterprise 64 bit and Windows ADK. I noticed that, if I select the "Environment of the deployment tools and creations images" and I click on the "Run as Administrator" item of his Pop-Up menu and I mount on a iso image of windows 8.1 Update, when I run the command robocopy <Drive_Letter>:\"<Windows_Files_Path>" /e to copy all its files in a directory and the command dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:"<Windows_Files_Path>"\install.wim /Index:<Image_Index> /MountDir:"<Mount_Directory_Path>" to mount an image volume, this error appears: Error: 0xc1510111 Not have permission to mount and modify this image. However, if I copy these files through the "file explorer" window, the mounting of this volume image is working properly. How come? Thanks Bye
  24. Hi I'm creating a custom DVD of Windows 8.1 Update 64 bit and I inserted 4 volume images in the install.wim file. These volume images containing 4 different custom editions of the operating system that they have 4 different serial numbers for their installation. Now, since I would not insert these serial numbers during the installation, how should I do to save them in the DVD or in their respective volume images so that, during the installation phase, I only need to choose the edition to install? Thanks Bye
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