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Everything posted by jeremytbjones

  1. Figured it out... apparently the SQL Browser service was disabled, chagning it to auto and starting it fixed my issue.
  2. I am trying to add the Reporting services role to my primary site server. I have a Windows server 2008 R2 with SQL 2008 R2 sql server and windows server 2008 R2 application server (primary site server). During the add site system roles wizard I am stuck on the reporting services point page. I specify my sql server (fqdn) and database name, clicked verify, it successfully verified the DB. I accepted the default folder name, but when I go to choose the Reporting Services server instance the drop down box is empty. I have tried specifying the service account that I have configured on my SQL box, i even tried opening up full access for that account as a local admin on SQL and SA on the Database. No matter what I try it will not find the RS instance. Any help appreciated.
  3. I am testing patch deployment with SCCM 2012 in hopes to replace our existing WSUS environment. I have configured a Windows 7 ADR which is working perfectly, with one exception. I configured a 14 day deadline for patch installs on the ADR. The deadline start date seems to be the creation of the ADR and not 14 days from when it runs (it is configured to run weekely on wednesdays). So it works great for the initial roll out but after 2 weeks any new clients added to the collection to which the ADR is targeted will immediately start installing the patches since the 2 week deadline has already passed (from creation of the deadline). Is there anyway to make it 2 weeks from either its weekely run cycle or 2 weeks from when a client first recieves the ADR setting?
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