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Hello, i use the following query to get a license report but i´m not quite happy with the result and don´t know how to edit it. declare @ChannelCode varchar(32) select @ChannelCode = 'All' declare @ProductName nvarchar(255) select ProductName, FamilyName, VersionCode, coll.Name, MAX(VersionSequence) as VersionSequence, MAX(ChannelCode) as ChannelCode, count(distinct ilp.ResourceID) as InventoryCount from dbo.vInventoriedLicensedProduct ilp left join v_FullCollectionMembership fcm on ilp.ResourceID = fcm.ResourceID left join v_Collection coll on fcm.CollectionID = coll.CollectionID where (ilp.ProductName = @ProductName OR @ProductName IS NULL) and (@ChannelCode is NULL or @ChannelCode = N'All' OR ilp.ChannelCode = @ChannelCode) group by ProductName, FamilyName, VersionCode, coll.Name The result is the following: The problem with the result is that every collection is listed in the column Name. But i only want to choose some of them. How can i edit the query to get a result with only three collections ? The best result would be the following, but for this i think i have to modify the whole query. Any experts who can help me ?
Select t.FamilyName AS [Licensed Family Name], t.ProductName AS [Licensed Product Name], t.VersionCode AS [Version Code], t.ChannelCode AS [Channel], t.InventoryCount AS [inventoried Quantity], @CollectionID AS [Collection ID] from dbo.fnInventoriedSoftware(@CollectionID,@ChannelCode,NULL) t
Hello, my SCCM server works fine but i´m a SQL noob. My boss wants an overview where he can see installed Microsoft products for the members of different collections. There is already a very nice report in Asset Intelligence with the name License 01A - Microsoft Volume License ledger for Microsoft license statements. You can choose a collection and it shows the quantity of installed MS Products. But my boss doesnt want to choose the collection, he wants new columns with the collections. I tried to edit the existing report License 01A - Microsoft Volume License ledger for Microsoft license statements with integrated SQL Server 2008, report Builder 2.0 but i have no idea how to work with it and how to add the columns. Any expert who can help me ? This is the query for the column inventoried quantity. Do i only have to add a collection ID from which i want to show the results ? I don´t want to choose the collection in the menu. The collection should always be in this report
Hello, i was looking for a solution in many forums and couldn´t find help. I´m using SCCM2012 SP1 with 8 DP´s in other countries. Only one DP is working correctly. I tried to find the difference between their setups but found nothing. When i open the software center and install an application which was successfully distributed to this DP it is not downloading. The status is: Downloading (0% complete) and after 20 seconds it changes and stays with status Downloading information. Nothing more happens. ContentTransferManager.log shows the following until i finally canceled the job in software center: DataTransferService.log shows periodical but not when i try to download the package this: When i try to open the URL from DataTransferService.log in browser the message is: While i was writing this post i found the solution. In IIS Manager the following entry has to be removed. After this i can download files and connect to URL
The same error. But i´ve found the problem. It was the second time i tried to install the updates. I found this hint in the internet: So i published the updates in SCUP2011 again but i activated the option "Sign all software updates with a new publishing certificate when published software updates have not changed but their certificate has changed." After running synchronization for the update repository in SCCM 2007 it works fine. Thank you !!
Yes the certificates were succesfully installed on my client with certutil.exe -addstore Root wsus2011.cer and certutil.exe -addstore TrustedPublisher wsus2011.cer. Our admin said he applied the GPO setting. i checked it and found this one for my testclient. Is this right ? http://www.pic-upload.de/view-16916640/Unbenannt.png.html
Hello, i tried to install the newest flash updates with sccm2007 and scup2011. I´ve done it with the guide "The-complete-guide-to-System-Center-Updates-Publisher-2011-V1.01" After sync i can see the updates in sccm2007 and i deployed them to my testclient. the package is downloaded to C:\Windows\System32\CCM\Cache but the installation failed. In the cache folder there is a .cab file and inside the .cab there is the file install_flash_player_11_plugin.msi. error message in the report States 7 - Error status messages for a computer: Updates failures occured during enforcement for assignment {D5B2E801-1C7D-4F20-810F-A96B21B9794E}. The operating system reported error -2146762487: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider. I created the certificate in scup and added it with the command certutil to my testcomputer. when i open mmc and certificates i can see the imported wsus certificates. Any ideas ? Do you need other logfiles ? THX