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Everything posted by fj40ratt

  1. Work is wanting to use a third party to start imaging new devices prior to delivery. My MBAM setup in SCCM is working great and I don't want the new devices getting encrypted until they are on prem and I can place them in my BitLocker Policy collection. I have a reference machine built with the proper partitions but the company only takes image files as a WIM. The multiple partitions seem to be causing my grief. If there is a better way to do this I'm all ears. Thank you in advance for any advice.
  2. I'm trying to capture a Win 10 reference computer that has multiple partitions in preparation for BitLocker. The machine is not domain joined. Is there a proven way to do this? My task sequence keeps failing when trying to capture the machine. If I image the machine with a single partition image the capture works flawlessly.
  3. When I try to open the Recovery Audit Report from the HelpDesk portal nothing happens. If I right click it and tell it to open in a new tab I get about:blank#blocked. I'm able to open the report from within SCCM console and I am a member of the required security groups. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
  4. How did you resolve this keywan? I have the same situation. My portals work, my policy deploys to the targeted collection, the agent installs just fine, but I get no pop-up. My Group Policy Handler log has 3 errors stating Failed to commit Group Policy. Thanks.
  5. Hopefully this isn't a stupid question but...... Do I need to go my Windows Update Service on my primary servers and approve the updates I want in order for them to appear in the Software Center on the client? All of my components are green. My synchronization is good and green but no Windows Updates ever show up in the Software Center. Thanks.
  6. I'm making an assumption that when creating the ADR and I get to the Download Location settings that I would want to download software updates from the internet or is there a location that should already contain those updates from the WSUS setup? These guides have been extremely helpful. Thanks.
  7. I followed all of the steps. My machine PXE boots fine, Win 7 installs without any problem but it never starts or completes the capture process. Where do I begin to look to find out why everything works except the capture? Thanks in advance.
  8. When running multiple primary servers do you need to enable the different discovery methods on all primary servers? Also, do I have to assign my default-first-Site-Name to a boundary group? I have created multiple boundaries to cover different IP ranges and boundary groups to accommodate the boundaries but have not done anything with the actual default AD site. Is that a problem? I'm having issues installing the CM client using windows update and wondered if that was the problem? Thanks.
  9. Running into another issue that I hope someone can help with. With a CAS and two primary sites WSUS and SUP is installed on all 3 machines. I have created the custom client settings and deployed them to the proper collections so they are pulling from the correct primary site. I know my account settings and firewall settings are all ok because I can manually push the client without any problems. Trying to use the Windows update function though keeps failing with an error code 1 at the client machine. Any thoughts on where to start looking for the problem would be most helpful. I will post the ccmsetup.log shortly. Thanks.
  10. Great tutorials by the way. My question is about the WSUS and the SUP install. We are running a CAS and 2 primary sites. Do I need the follow the steps on both primary sites or just one of my primary sites? Thanks in advance.
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