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  1. I have this problem with both types collection.
  2. Hello, I need help. 1 month ago I configure Application Catalog and deploy a lot of application w icon, description and othe beautiful things. But 2 days ago I want add one more application and discover something strange. Application didn't appear in the AC. Ok, it was end of day, and I went home. In the next morning application was appear. Now all changes apples every 12 hours. Sorry, but I don't know in what way I must work and what kind logs can help me. Have you got any ideas?
  3. Answer: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2801987/en-us
  4. Hello! Befor the New year we intalled SCCM 2012 SP1 and import some preferences. But now we find one very strange problem. When we install OS TS in ccm.log we find a lot of errors that push intalletion accont can't connct to the ...\admin$ share. Add this account manually to the administration group on test computer. Then we go to push account and check password - it was wrong. Ok, we changed it and complite verification. But it doesn't help. We saw similar errors. Ok, we check AD account - it was unblocked. After than we go to the preferences of push account and find, than password is wrong. So now we change password, test connection and press 'ok' and nothing has been changed We try reboot server and make new AD accont for push account.
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