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stylaren last won the day on January 28 2016

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  1. Hello! Yesterday we hade an unwanted network failover in our "user network". After this failover our physical domain controller won't reach outside the current subnet. Our virtual DC work just like it should. Both domain controllers is running DNS and DHCP. The problem seems to be tied to the IP-Adress on the failing DC, when we change the static IP-adress to another the network communications seems fine. Our network technicians thinks it is a ARP problem, but we tried to clear the ARP cache without success. Any help or tips is very appreciated! OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Kind Regards, Anthon
  2. Hello! I wan't to create a standalone iso from one of our task sequences. This task sequence is deploying Windows 7 Thin PC with one application installed that is McAfee 5.0. For some reason the wizard won't complete and create to ISO file. If i remove the application the exports works as expected. Tried multiple other applications with the same error. I only got it working with one application so far.. I have tried: Checked my useraccount permissions, since it work's without or with a specific applicaiton this should'nt be the problem. Redistributed and revalidated all the applicaiton and packages in the task sequence. Tried to run the SCCM console as admin. Tried to make the export via command line. Please see the error messages below: Kind Regards, Stylaren
  3. Hello! Since we upgraded to SCCM R2 SP1 we had some problems with our task sequences. Most of the issues have been solved but there is one left that i don't know how to fix. The following message apears randomly on some OS deploments just before the task sequence is about to complete. I will really need some help with this one. Can't find anything in the SMSTS log that makes sence to me.. Please se the attached logs. // Stylaren smsts.log smsts-20150928-131132.log smsts-20150928-213553.log
  4. Hello! We recently updated our Configmgr environment to R2 SP1. After the upgrade we tried to OSD a laptop and one of our thinclient without any problems. A couple a days ago i was going to install a new workstation when i relized something isn't working as it should. The task sequence that we use is the same as the one we use on laptops. For example, everything is wokring on our HP 820 G2 laptop while we cannot succeed on a HP Z230. The error we got on the Z230 and other workstations is the following: I have collected to logs after the restart and the can be found here (also attached): https://www.dropbox.com/s/i3nrw6nyo3zawuj/SMSTSLog%20-%20After%20restart.zip?dl=0 This error shows after that the TS have installed the Driverpackade and just before SCCM client installation.. I have checked the Network access account and tried a driverpackade that only has the network drivers assigned. Any help or tips is very appreciated! Kind Regards, Anthon SMSTSLog - After restart.zip
  5. Thank you for your answer Ludi2014. Actually i don't wan't to remove the value, i wan't to keep since I wan't a spesific user to logon automatically. Sorry if i was unclear. But for some reason, SCCM removed/reset two of my values i try to set in the task sequence. SCCM is reseting AutoAdminLogon to 0 and completely removed DefaultPassword.
  6. Hello! Im trying to deploy Windows Embedded 8.1 with alot of configured register values, the problem is that SCCM is running some "cleanup" when the task sequence is completed so my configured values is reset or deleted. I've found this blog post regarding MDT 2010 cleaning up register values.. But I don't really understand how this works in SCCM. The values that SCCM "resets" is the following: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "AutoAdminLogon"="1" "DefaultPassword"="User" I know that my script that im running is working since I'm via regedit can see that the values are set under the OSD. Also tried to use the SMSTSPostAction variable with a simple .bat script that add the register values without success.. Any suggestions how i can solve this? Thank in advance! // Stylaren
  7. Hello! Im trying to create a "standard" image for Windows Embedded 8 Industry Enterprise in MDT 2013 but for some reason when i click through the wizard i can't choose the language pack.. Please see the following image: Anyone know how to solve this? What i wan't is to install a english language pack (en-us) but as you can see there is now available packs. If i look in Windows System Image Manger on the image i can see that the language pack is installed.. Any tips or help is very much appreciated! // Stylaren
  8. Hello Peter! Thank you for the information! // Anthon
  9. Hello! I have installed Software Update Point on our primary site server and all updates for the specific updates have been downloaded and synced to SCCM. What im trying to do now is to make our Windows 7 x64 image that already has Office, .Net Framework 4 and Silverlight installed always up to date. Question is, how? I have created a Automatic Deployment rule called "Windows 7 x64 Updates" that should include updates for Windows 7, Office and Silverlight. After the Automatic Deployment rule have been created it also creates a Depoloyment Packades, in this Depoloyment packade i can see all the updates i wan't. But when I right click my image and choose Schedules Updates i can only see updates for Windows 7 and not for Office or Silverlight even though this applications already is installed. I have also tried to create a Automatic Deployment rule only for Office without success.. Anyone know how i can get these Office updates included in my image? Im using Windows Server 2008 x64 R2 and SCCM 2012 SP1. Thanks in advance! // Anthon
  10. Ignore this, It's working now. Just have to got some patient.
  11. Hello! Im trying to configure SUP/WSUS on our SCCM server to be able to always deploy a updated image. At the moment i have installed the WSUS role och SUP role i SCCM. Our SCCM server is managed by our central wsus server which is setup through GPO. Lets say that our SCCM server name is sccm2012.test.com and our wsus server is wsus.test.com. When Im starting a sync through the SCCM gui the local wsus server on sccm2012.test.com downloads all updates that our central wsus server (wsus.test.com) has even though i only checked it should download Windows 7 updates. Why is that and how can i configure this? In this case, should wsus.test.com have the SUP role installed instead? It doen't matter how i solve this, either i sync updates directly from our wsus.test.com server and deploy it to my depolment image or I use a local wsus server on sccm2012.test.com with all necessary updates. How would you do it and how can i configure this the right way? Thanks in advance!
  12. Hello Jörgen! Unfortunately i have already read this and i still don't understand. Like a said i got the script working and i have confirmed it via a MDT task sequence. What I need to understand is when the task sequence or WIndows PE sets the computer name so i can put my powershell script before that task. Hope you understand what i mean.
  13. Hello! Im trying to create a custom computer name when i deploy computers via MDT. What my goal is for example VM-last14numberofserialnumber. I have created a script in powershell that almost do what i wan't: Import-Module ZTIUtility $y = Get-WMIObject Win32_BIOS | Select-Object SerialNumber; $tsenv:OSDComputerName= $y.Serialnumber.Substring(40,14).Replace(" ","") At the moment the script makes only writes the last 14 numbers of the serialnumber and not the "VM-" before and that is what i wan't since I wan't to be able to control VM, DT (Desktop) or LT (Laptop) via customsettings. Problem is, i don't know how i should handle this in a task sequence, I know that the script work because i created a custom task sequence with two tasks, One with this powershell script and one that writes "notepad.exe %OSDComputerName%" via CMD. So i get the result i wan't, but how to i actually set this to be my computername when i deploy a VM. It is probaly pretty easy but im out of ideas. Any tips or help is welcome. // Anthon
  14. Hello! We recently updated to SCCM 2012 SP1 and with the update our boot images was replaced by new ones (Windows 8). Our old boot images was crated by Dart 7 and this feature is now gone when the images was replaced. I tried to create a boot image with Dart 8 but it seems that you need to do it on Windows 8 or Windows 2012. We currently only deploy and use Windows 7 and we don't have any plans to upgrade to Windows 8 yet. So my questions is... Can i use a Windows 7 boot image in Sccm 2012 sp1 to deploy our clients with Dart? We tried to use our old boot images but it gave us really strange errors. Or do anyone have some suggestions how we can solve this?
  15. Thank you so much Peter, works like a charm, both install and uninstall and all the settings are there from start. Thanks for the tips about the switch, just like you say i don't wanna show anything to the user. The .msi that runs with the script doesn't appear when i use the /qn switch but the command prompt shows with the whole command. Is there a way to run .bat script in silent mode? Thanks in advance!
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