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  1. Well as it turns out this is now working with a complete re-install run of the OSD Task Sequence. In researching this I found someone talking about a problem with needing to manually clean up things after any version of VMWare View was installed or even attempted to install. The error is not the appropriate error in my mind but it is now resolved. Thanks though!
  2. Hello! I have a most bizarre issue. I'm trying to deploy VMWare View client with switches to include connection server. The 32bit version works like a charm, however the 64bit does not and they have the exact same switches with the install file being the only difference. Any and all tips and input are greatly appreciated. 32bit install script: VMware-viewclient-5.2.1-937772.exe /s /v"/q DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=1 VDM_SERVER=servername INSTALLDIR="C:\Program FIles\VMWare\VMWare View\Client" ADDLOCAL=Core,TSSO,USB REBOOT=ReallySuppress" 64bit install script: VMware-viewclient-x86_64-5.2.1-937772.exe /s /v"/q DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=1 VDM_SERVER=desktop.tranow.com INSTALLDIR="C:\Program FIles\VMWare\VMWare View\Client" ADDLOCAL=Core,TSSO,USB REBOOT=ReallySuppress" The 64bit version fails almost instantly after downloading content and attempting to install with the error code "The software change returned error code 0x643(1603)." Again any and all tips and input are greatly appreciated
  3. Hello! I'm completely bamboozled here.....I've setup a Task sequence to deploy an existing image package. The task sequence was working wonderfully then all of a sudden started hanging (or freezing) on the install applications task. The applications I have in there have worked before in this method but all of a sudden now I can't get any applications to install, just gets to that step and stops (does not restart or finish or display an error). Any and all tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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