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Everything posted by keilamym

  1. yeah. need more details. check the ccmsetup.log and the client.msi.log in the c:\windows\ccmsetup folder. It will provide more information on why it failed, previous path issue, prereq requirements not met, etc.
  2. you created the package, and added it to the Apply Operating System task. "Use and unattended etc." check box?
  3. maybe the Client Push account, or maybe you're running a task sequence task with your credentials?
  4. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh846237.aspx#BKMK_SetDynamicVariables
  5. This is how we do it. Export a list of drivers - %windir%\system32\dxdiag.exe /t c:\filename.txt Export App list. PowerShell.exe -NoProfile "gp HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* |Select DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate, Helplink, UninstallString > c:\filename.txt" PowerShell.exe -NoProfile "gp HKLM:\Software\wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* |Select DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate, Helplink, UninstallString > c:\filename.txt"
  6. smaunsell... sorry about that.. (reading is fundamental.. lol) this link may help. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/8678b10f-aeb0-4f0a-a669-249edb58e938/touch-screen-driver-in-winpe?forum=mdt
  7. here when we image the Surface Pro, we just use a USB hub with an external mouse and keyboard. did you try that?
  8. i had Microsoft onsite while doing OS upgrades to my SCCM servers. Had the same issue and we just had to wait until it processed all the updates. sorry but he didnt have an answer to that either.
  9. on the software update group, right click and "show members" right click and download the patch again, just place it in the same package.
  10. had an issue and work and lost some data so I went coming thru log files. turns out, this version passes /o to the command line to overwrite an old document store. I opened a ticket with Microsoft and they had to send it to the product group. (there is no program to modify the command line) also, usmt.mig can no longer be opened using migwiz. migwiz will crash on a win8.1 machine, and tell you the file is corrupt on win7. you can however use the usmtutils.exe file to extract it.. usmtutils.exe /extract usmt.migpath extractdestination /decrypt /key: i created a simple gui interface that passes all the command so my techs can just copy and paste the recovery data from the console. (usmtutils support unc paths) hope this helps someone.
  11. did you upgrade to the new version of ADK / USMT?
  12. Hey Garth.. I've actually been to your site and you have some good information on it.. Thanks for all your help.. The AI reports are ok.. I can run queries and find what I want.. .. I found out I today that they wont let me download the license from MVLS because our parent company owns them so we can close this question...
  13. hello.... i started creating some ssrs reports to prepare for future true ups and realized i could use asset intelligence reports. when asset intelligence, am i supposed to be able to run a report that would basically consolidate all the duplicate titles into one family? for example, Microsoft Project 2010, Microsoft Project 2010 MUI, and Microsoft Project SP1, could all come up on the same machine, and count as 3, instead of 1. i can create a report that excludes all that garbage but i was hoping asset intelligence could so it. fyi: i have not imported license into the console... any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Lavelle
  14. Thanks Garth... I'll convert them first...
  15. Garth, How can I modify the 'ES-06' to a prompt for a machine name? Also do you have any good links on converting my 2007 reports to the 2012 ssrs format? Thanks in advance
  16. im doing some testing with scanstate and im having limited success.. for testing, im just running this simple command. scanstate \\serverlocation\USMT\%username% /localonly /c /o when i run this locally, it copies to the server fine... but when i create an advertisement, i get error 27. i've already selected run as administrator, and have tested using "download execute" and "run from dp" but still get error 27 when running via an advertisment. has anyone run it as a standard advertisment? maybe its not possible for it to get rights to run it... any assistance is greatly appreciated... Thank You
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