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Everything posted by ahtshun83

  1. at first i intended to run a VB script to copy two files but it didn't run. So i thought of using a bat file to call this vb script. This is my actual bat file ?cscript "%~dp0Msgbox.vbs" echo %~dp0
  2. Yes other packages are working and all files are downloaded correctly to DP
  3. Hi Bendes, tried with or without "" on either run on dp and dl and run locally..all not working..i'm not sure whats went wrong ..i thought it is simple to just run a bat file from SCCM 2007...guess no luck for me. Thanks for your help ..appreciated it.
  4. so i put this command at the command line field? do i need to enclose with " "?
  5. Yes at the root of the package. I did distribute to DP. I tried both settings - configured to run program from DP - download from DP and run program locally. Both settings didn't work
  6. I did try without cmd.exe on .cmd file and it failed. I just tried without cmc.exe on .bat file and it throw me error " The pogram cannot be run because the program file cannot be found". I checked..all the files are present.
  7. Hi All, I trying to run a simple bat file via SCCM 2007. However I couldnt make it run on client machine. This is my bat file @ECHO OFF ECHO %0 PAUSE Under command line, i did try cmd.exe /c batfile.cmd. i also configured to run program from DP. Anyone can assist me?
  8. Hi all, i would like to know how the deployment update schedule work. Scenario 1 When a deployment windows updates package is created,i configure updates to be available "As soon as possible" and set no deadline. No maintenance window is configured. So will the updates install automatically? if yes, when? Scenario 2 When a deployment windows updates package is created,i configure updates to be available "As soon as possible" and set a deadline. No maintenance window is configured. So the update will install automatically when the deadline is met am i right? Scenario 3 When a deployment windows updates package is created,i configure updates to be available "As soon as possible" and set a deadline. Maintenance window is configured. So the update will install automatically during the maintenance window am i right? If deadline is expired and client miss the maintenance window, when will updates get installed to client? the next maintenance windows? Scenario 4 When a deployment windows updates package is created,i configure updates to be available "As soon as possible" and set no deadline. Maintenance window is configured. So the update will install automatically during the maintenance window am i right? Scenario 5 When a deployment windows updates package is created,i configure updates to be available "As soon as possible" and set a deadline. Maintenance window is configured. Updates downloaded to client notebook.Will the update still install automatically during maintenance window if client notebook was disconnected from office internal network? Last question, if a new client is added to the SCCM collection, will update be installed automatically for all the above scenario? Please advise. Thanks in advanced.
  9. Currently Site B has "Component server", "distribution point", "site system" and "software update point" roles. I did configure boundaries for Site A and B. For eg. Site A boundary is Site B boundary is and protected system is configured to Site B WSUS Server. So what i need to do now is when i create a new deployment package for window update, i need to add two distribution points which are Site A and Site B. When the client at Site B do a sync and detected there are updates from SCCM, it will find Site B distribution point to download the update. If this is correct, what will be the "Intranet Microsoft update service location" value? http://siteA:8530? One more question....If i only added Site A distribution point to this new package, will my client at site B still get updated from Site A distribution point or will not? Please correct me if i am wrong
  10. Hi all, Here is my scenario Site A - Installed SCCM 2007 + WSUS on server A Site B - Installed WSUS on server B I managed to configure my SCCM to manage WSUS server at Site A. All machines at Site A download updates from SCCM. Here my questions 1. How SCCM manage WSUS server at Site B 2. How WSUS server at Site B download or sync all updates from Site A wsus server 3. How to confgure all machines at Site B to download updates from WSUS server at Site B? Please help me..Thanks
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