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Everything posted by vincelewin

  1. How did you recreate the images? I have removed them from the distribution points and then recreated the images using the Deployment Tools Command Prompt COPYPE.CMD to a folder c:\new_imagex86. Then I copied the WINPE.WIM file here into the OSD\BOOT\i386 folder and attempted to import it into CMC but all I get is a message about "You can only add finalised images!"
  2. Hi, I hope someone can help me. A couple of weeks ago I installed SP1 on SCCM2012 and ever since my WDS solution is broken. My setup is Primary server : SCCORE01, Secondary server: SCNEW01 with PXE enabled on DP and Secondary server: SCLON01 again with PXE enabled. When I boot a machine I just get Windows Boot Manager screen. File: \Boot\BCD Status: 0xc000000f Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data. I have tried a few things but not sure that I did any of them correctly, as nothing has made any difference, so I am prepared to do it all again under guidance. Help
  3. Found that the VM I was testing on had a small c drive, I have increased and now get the actual error (0x80070005) Are these errors documented anywhere? I also see that the referenced application in the task sequence dont have the COR object ids now they have SCOPEID_### instead and I have an error "unable to find the program files for application "ScopeID_#####" on the distribution point. I have no distribution errors though.
  4. No nothing. One day it all worked fine. Next day I added another server/distribution point, pxe enabled it as well, associated it with one of my boundries and added it to my distribution group. I did get an error about the SCCM client package not being available on the distribution point but there are no distribution errors for that package and I have since created a new task using the SCCM client Upgrade and its stopped complaining about that. I have a number of task sequencecs all deploying the same image but into a different OU. They all fail now.
  5. Hi, I have recently added a new SCCM server to my enviroment bringing the total to three. I am experiencing a problem with the OS deployments, they did work but now they all fail. I am getting the Task Sequence Error (0x80070070) and have tried creating a new sequence but am still getting the error. I have tried to deploy from the two sites that have pxe enabled but still get the error. Can anyone help me with troubleshooting tips? Thanks Vince
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