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Everything posted by jkirshy

  1. Application Catalog web site should be set to your default site http://confgmgrserver/cmapplicationcatalog. However you are indeed missing some of the missing websites above, as you deploy roles you get more sites
  2. You only installed a CAS server. go to the splash screen and install a stand alone install.
  3. Task 'Configuration Manager Client Upgrade Task' does not exist ccmsetup 18/04/2013 10:42:13 4984 (0x1378), The log shows a good install but the upgrade task does not run. Got to admin, site config, sites, right click on sites dont highlight first, automatic client upgrade tab, check box for upgrade client. Not clear on what exactly your asking. In my experience the ccmsetup.log on the local machine, when it says It cant find the DP is a false or misleading entry!
  4. Did you get this fixed, as Im having the same exact problem. My client push install wont work, as the machine never starts the ccmsetup.exe on the client. The only way I can get the client to try to install is to browse to the sms_842 share. The ad install works for some machines 30, but I have 2500 machines in my domain. This is driving me nuts.
  5. Make sure your distribution point is set to prestage content! there is a check button that allows prestaging, if you have one distribution point you cannot pre-stage. Then your error message will go away.
  6. I have a Sccm 2007 server running live and doing a side by side install of Sccm 2012 Sp1. I have stopped the sms_executive service on sccm 2007. The only ad entries are from sccm 2012 live server. I have some automatic install of the sccm 2012 client, but most clients just wont install, the ccmsetup.exe does not even start on the client machine? This is driving me nuts! Ok months later sccm 2012 is running fine. On sccm 2007 migrate over as many clients as possible. Re-create your software packages. Uninstall sccm 2007, delete ad info on sccm 2007. .
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