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Everything posted by learningmode

  1. Hi, I am getting the same site to site issue with my secondary. Did you find out how to troubleshoot this? Thanks
  2. Okay guys... so for some reason this will not work in Package. I Created a Task Sequence as Custom and Command Line alone, that did the Trick! Got me out of the hole on this since I was the cause of IE10 getting installed on 2000+ clients. oops
  3. Hi all, I have made a collection of client machines with IE10 installed. Long story on how they got it installed but the clients machines got unmanaged. I created a Package to target this collection and used what I found on the net. FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*10.*.mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /quiet /norestart" This works when I run it directly on test machine, but when I deploy the package it does not seem to initiate the batch. Although when I check monitoring, it shows success 100% and looked in "ccmcache" and do see the folder gets created with the batch. Also, the log file "exemgr" shows it has uninstalled successfully. Any ideas or know of a way to workaround this? Thanks!
  4. What is the latest Cumulative Update could be used for 2008 R2 SP1? Is it still CU6 or is it okay to download the latest which i think CU13 now?
  5. Just to let you guys know, my UserID did come back after the date we had set for the User Discovery. Thanks again!
  6. Okay great! thanks guys I will try out the Discovery and double check when the Discovery date is set also.
  7. Hi Guys, I am posting my first post as I am learning SCCM.. yay! I apologize in advance if I post in the wrong thread... I finally got access to configmgr 2012, I am very new to this, I was navigating myself through the manager to get familiar. I found a pretty neat feature how you could Associate users to a destination computer. Well I didn't mean to do it, but I added a collection to my UserID and I wanted to take it off. For some reason I deleted my account under "Users". My account is still in AD, but now is not in the configmgr. Is there a way for me to add my account back to the list or will it sync back up with AD? I really hope it will get synced back up.... Thanks,
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