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Everything posted by luistkd

  1. This worked for me: http://adminsccm.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/failed-to-get-dp-locations-as-expected.html
  2. In client installation, I have this message: In the version of the client is Currently detected. Dorgali que step fix issues? Dorgali, this step corrects the problem?
  3. I changed all MP and DP : HTTPS for use HTTP, and don't have problems. In the client installation, a new error: GetDPLocations failed with error 0x8000ffff ccmsetup 5/7/2013 10:40:15 AM 2708 (0x0A94) Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP 'SCCMSERVER'. Error 0x8000ffff ccmsetup 5/7/2013 10:40:15 AM 2708 (0x0A94) After, error changed again : Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP 'SCCMSERVER'. Error 0x87d00215 Re-instalation role DP, Intalled CU1 and Re-installation secondary site.
  4. I created a question in Technet Forum: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmanagerapps/thread/c60242ff-4a1a-43ce-9da3-fbc47b82eee5/?prof=required
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