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  1. I just upgraded SCCM 2012 R2 to SP1 CU2, and now I am unable to upgrade clients I get the following error Client version '5.00.8239.1000' is not compatible with the site 'CA1' version '5.00.7804.1500'. I have Deleted 2 objects out of Systems Management in AD Folder - CN=SMS-MP-CA1-xxxxxx.xxxxx.com Object - CN=SMS-Site-CA1 The following object was not deleted should I have removed this one as well? CN=SMS-CA2-167850240-167850495 Also, I find it strange, that my MP does not have a configuration manager client in control panel I try to install client and I get the following message MSI: Setup was unable to register the CCM_Service_HostingConfiguration endpoint The error code is 80041002
  2. I know this is an old thread, but we are also seeing this, did you ever get a solution
  3. Turns out that Sysprep failed on capturing my wim file. Recaptured with windows media player sharing disabled... all good now.
  4. I cant even seem to find a ccmsetup.log file anywhere on this OS that it boots to.
  5. Hey Everyone, I am having some troubles with OSD, please bear with me as I am VERY new to the SCCM world, and this is my first crack at OSD. The image I am working with was captured from a VM using Capture Media. I installed Windows 7 ENT, installed updates and a couple very basic applications. I then captured. I have setup a TS which looks like this I am not using MDT Also, this exact TS works fine if I use the image that was used/created in SCCM 2007 by the previous admin The TS Seems to execute without error, it gets to Setup Windows and Config Manager... runs, then reboots. It then reboots to the absolute bare captured image. It never completes any further steps at this point, it looks exactly as it would on my vm before I run capture. There are no specified settings (Time Zone, Org Name, Admin Account). It also never joins the domain. There is also no sign of CM Agent or even Silverlight, which show to be downloading on the TS step. I dont use prod key, have no specified installation properties. Continue on error is not checked for any of the steps. Operating system 2-2 is being applied to partition with variable specified in partition step. Link to SMSTS.log on SkyDrive https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=DF018345C62C41DB!110&authkey=!APXf07rWRWS-Bdw&ithint=file%2c.log
  6. Under further inspection, this report gives me ip address information not the physical address (MAC) of the ethernet card
  7. The following report was given to me, it finds the info I need, but it does so with all systems, I need to be able to specify a collection that it runs against. Select Distinct CS.Name0, NIC.Description0, NAC.IPAddress0, NAC.DefaultIPGateway0 from dbo.v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS, dbo.v_GS_NETWORK_ADAPTER NIC, dbo.v_GS_NETWORK_ADAPTER_CONFIGUR NAC Where CS.ResourceID = NIC.ResourceID and CS.ResourceID = NAC.ResourceID and NAC.ServiceName0 = NIC.ServiceName0 and NAC.IPAddress0 != '' and NAC.IPAddress0 != '' Order by CS.Name0, NIC.Description0, NAC.IPAddress0, NAC.DefaultIPGateway0 I have grabbed a prompt from another report which allows to specify collection, but it still brings back the same results from all systems. I just need to tie them together somehow. begin if (@__filterwildcard = '') SELECT DISTINCT CollectionID, Name FROM v_Collection ORDER BY Name else SELECT DISTINCT CollectionID, Name FROM v_Collection WHERE CollectionID like @__filterwildcard ORDER BY Name end
  8. I am trying to get a Query into a Report for another user to be able to get report results. I have never built a report, and am VERY VERY Green with SQL I have built a query which gives me the results I need but am unable to get the SQL Language figured out for other users to use reporting. My query is as follows. I am trying to get the built in ethernet MAC address from all systems a Collection. This is a copy and paste, I appologize for the formatting select distinct SMS_R_System.NetbiosName, SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER.MACAddress, SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER.AdapterType, SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER.Description from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER on SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId Thank you in advance Kev
  9. I am wondering if there is a report or way to meter print jobs. We are looking to identify users that are costing our company an abnormal amount of money through high volume printing. I know there are other applications out there that do this, but we would like to utilize what we have. We are currently running 2007 and are in the middle of migrating to 2012 SP1. Thanks Kev
  10. First off let me start by saying I am very new to SCCM, I had this dropped on my plate and am now trying to feel my way through this. Friday there were a couple computers that wouldnt image and I left it till Monday. They were failing on applying operating system. We boot to usb media to get the task sequence. Monday morning, I updated the distribution points (boot media) thinking that was where the problem was and I think that is where I messed up. At this point it is pulling an incorrect image down, it is a version of our image, but not the correct one. I am unsure how to get this straight. Is there a safe way to recover from a backup from a week ago? PLEASE HELP!
  11. Hey Everyone... without a doubt, I am the greenest person to the SCCM world. Expect to see a fair amount of questions from me over the next while. My first question... is whether it is possible to get a report that will display a time based record of metered applications. We have one of our ITAM guys wanting to track the cost associated with a specific application. I appreciate any and all guidance and future guidance I recieve from everyone.
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