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Everything posted by Edenost

  1. Hmm, not much luck then!! Damn. I found this post, which may help? Not sure if you've seen/tried it? http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4447c19b-833f-4cbf-9168-ddd337383713/application-deployments-not-appearing-in-software-center-related-to-wmi-namespace-client-check?forum=configmanagerapps Part One: 1.) I had to remove the advertisement of the application from all the collections the application was advertised to. 2.) I had to update the content of the application. If you are unsure how to do this, click on the application you want to update content for, click on the deployment types tab at the bottom of the console, alt click on the Deployment type, and update content. Wait for it to redistribute to your Distribution Points. 3.) Re-advertise to the collections. Part Two: 1.) Removed the Machine from the SCCM Database. This is done by clicking on devices under the Assets and Compliance node and deleting it. It will remove it from any collection memberships as well. 2.) Restart the computer so it would re-register with SCCM. 3.) If it doesn't re-register promptly, you may need to make sure that the client isn't stuck in Provisioning Mode. This is where on the client where it says Client Certificate is set to None. To fix it if the client is stuck in provisioning mode, you will need to modify two registry settings. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\CcmExec \ProvisioningMode should be set to "false" \SystemTaskExcludes should be blank Restart the client
  2. Ok, you checked the log file in that post? Are the applications deployed to a user or device collection?
  3. Have you been seen this one? http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/8224-applications-not-showing-up-in-software-center/ Also, have you checked the other tabs in software center? is it already installed? Try refreshing the deployment as well?
  4. Hi, just check the file permissions as you would any normal file. Make sure the account you're using, or group...etc. has access and doesn't have "Denied" for anything. Deny overrides Allow every time.
  5. I've replied to your other post. Check that out. I think that might fix it
  6. Have you added say, 64 bit drivers, but using 32 bit boot image? (For the NIC I mean). This is normal for when the driver isn't correct for the NIC.
  7. I had a thought, have you checked your PXE settings for the Distribution Point Site Role? Should have something like this (with the highlighted ones to be set as I have. If they aren't try it and see...).
  8. At least the first problem is sorted. Are you running SCCM 2012 SP1? If so, try this hotfix provided: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2837395 (For more info): http://blogs.technet.com/b/configurationmgr/archive/2013/07/16/hotfix-quot-install-application-quot-task-sequence-fails-with-error-code-80004005-in-system-center-2012-configuration-manager-sp1.aspx
  9. These are the default settings within SCCM, correct? Try creating a new "Custom client device settings". Then configure the Remote Control with that and deploy it to the collection you want (All Systems??). As you can see, I have a few. The default needs to be configured as well for a few different things, even though it has no DIRECT impact on other settings, it allows them to work in your custom settings.
  10. Ahh. Well I take it back lol
  11. There's your answer then
  12. I have found issues where Windows is not activated. It will install the client, but then after a short period stop responding to sccm until it's activated. No SCEP, no updates...etc. can you use a kms on your network to activate instead? Maybe just activate it once and see how it goes. If it all works, then I would say that's your issue.
  13. Check the permissions on the file firstly. That error is access denied me thinks
  14. If you push the updates out automatically to a group with a maintenance window, unless they miss the window, they will only install during the window. So it should be fine to use the automated push out of updates.
  15. The password would be the reason for the account locking out usually. Make it a simple password and then update sccm with it and try again?
  16. I think he means he re did the boot images (re created maybe?) and redistributed them and it worked.
  17. Ahh. I missed that. When I use a physical machine connected to a physical monitor when I do OSD and it does the resolution of the screen
  18. Not sure if it's an SCCM problem. I found this here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/dfc465bc-7bbd-483e-b98b-2ba56fa98313/the-applicationspecific-permission-settings-do-not-grant-local-launch-permission-for-the-com-server (I have modified it slightly to included the App ID in the error you provided: 1. Click Start -> Run -> Type -> dcomcnfg, expand Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config. 2. Click View -> Detail -> Now you will get Application Name and Application ID in right side. 3. Scroll down and find the application ID {AD65A69D-3831-40D7-9629-9B0B50A93843} -> Right Click -> Properties and select the Security tab. 3. Click Customize under "Launch & Activation Permission" -> click Edit -> Add in the account NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and set local launch and local activation. 4. Restart the application Service linked to this Application ID or restart the server and monitor
  19. Yeah, it's stupid . Glad you got it all sorted anyway. Happy Friday to you too good Sir !!
  20. If you open the SCCM console and go to the "Monitoring" section, you should see "Deployments" about half way down the list on the left. Click on that and you will get a list on the right side full of your live deployments. Click on the one in question, and you should see something like this at the bottom: Under the pie chart, there is a "View Status". Clicking that will give you a more detailed view of the deployment in question. It will show you, Successful deployment, Deployments in Progress, Failed Deployments (any with errors), and a couple of others which are self explanatory. If you click on the "Error" tab, you should find your PC, like below: The top table is a group of that collection which has the same status (same error for example). Find the group your laptop in question is part of (with the error assuming it has one), right click it in the bottom section and choose "More Details" you will get the box which I have up on the left of the screen above, you can click on "Status" and it will give you a status of each part of the TS. Where it was successful and where it failed. It may or may not provide details on the error. You may find, that even though it failed a part of the TS, it will continue on error if you have it checked, and will actually come back as "Success", so with the laptop finishing it's image, it may be under the "Success" tab, but the same after that still applies. Hope this helps.
  21. Ok, what I'm asking is, when the PC does it's final boot and it's ready for you to log on, when you log on, is the Graphics driver installed? Or does it install it after when you log in, or do you need to manually install it?
  22. Just to confirm, it was a "time/date" issue?
  23. It's deff installing the graphics driver during the TS? Usually when I get past the reboot after drivers installed, if I have the graphics driver added to SCCM for the machine in question, Windows will boot (rather than WinPE), and have the overlay of it in front but at full resolution (say, during the "Install Windows Updates" stage).
  24. Generally the 0x80004005 error would be "access denied" or similar. Might sound a bit odd, but is the Bios clock set to the right time? (and date). That can cause this error apparently.
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