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Bendes last won the day on April 5 2014

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Happy New Year 2014 to all !
  2. Are the Boundaries (where the Client resides) created and assigned to a Distribution Point?
  3. KMS is your best friend: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff793434.aspx
  4. Is your deployment based on Collection with Query rules? Is so, is your Collection refresh delay short enough?
  5. The principe is simple: 1. Configure your image (syspreped) 2. Boot on WinPE (via Network Boot or USB Boot) 3. Map a network drive in command line (NET USE) where ADK Tools are available 4. Use IMAGEX to capture your image to the mapped drive
  6. You must achieve this from SCCM Management console: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/scstr/archive/2012/05/31/how_2d00_to_2d00_install_2d00_and_2d00_configure_2d00_the_2d00_dp_2d00_site_2d00_role_2d00_on_2d00_a_2d00_site_2d00_system_2d00_server.aspx
  7. No CAS needed. CAS is required to manage multiple Primary Site. Then you can add it to your existing Site infrastructure.
  8. Keep the EXE in your package and change your BAT as follow : REM MD C:\Temp COPY %~dp0Install.exe C:\Temp\Install.exe C:\Temp\Install.exe
  9. It's a common MSI error. If there is no log fille created, I think a prerequisite is missing to install LightRoom. Maybe check by starting it manually...
  10. Have a look at "Unattend.xml" creation : http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3251-customising-windows-7-deployments-part-4/ http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/7975-unattendxml-english-uilanguage-with-other-language-keyboard/?hl=keyboard
  11. To be sure, before the rollout, create a deployment that will delete the registry key.
  12. Maybe it will help : http://www.sccm.biz/2013/05/how-to-boost-up-pxe-tftp-boot-speed.html
  13. Disabling the default Administrator (a ramdom password is then genrated) is builtin in Task Sequence : To create a new one, just create an Unattended.xml with WSIM Tool
  14. Maybe in log files: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs\smsbkup.log"
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