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Everything posted by Bendes

  1. With the following Tool you can check and fix WMI errors (and a lot of other cool things) : http://sccmcat.codeplex.com/
  2. Do a search about "Offline Servicing" : http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4683-using-sccm-2012-rc-in-a-lab-part-12-updating-an-operating-system-image-using-offline-servicing/ http://blogs.technet.com/b/inside_osd/archive/2011/04/18/configuration-manager-2012-offline-servicing-for-operating-system-images.aspx http://blogs.msdn.com/b/scstr/archive/2012/05/31/how_2d00_to_2d00_enable_2d00_offline_2d00_servicing_2d00_for_2d00_operating_2d00_system_2d00_images_2d00_in_2d00_configuration_2d00_manager_2d00_2012.aspx
  3. I think you must create your Registry settings in : GPO -> Computer Configuration -> Preferences -> Windows Settings -> Registry
  4. SCCM 2012 does not allow this feature with "Application" deployment. You can only accomplish this with a "Package" and the option "Copy the content in this package to a package share on DP" on "Data Access" tab.
  5. oO Just create a script in your favorite language (DOS Batch, VBScript, ...) and run it from your Package/Program command line : - Batch: cmd.exe /C FileName.bat - VBScript: wscript.exe FileName.vbs
  6. Bendes

    Portable App block

    Take a look at : - AppLocker - In GPO: Software Restriction Policies - In GPO: Application Control Policies
  7. Why do you absolutety want to work with WSUS 3.0 SP2? On your W2012 Server add the WSUS Role and then add SCCM SUP Role.
  8. Go to Server Manager -> Manage -> Add Roles and Features
  9. An idea : - Uninstall all your SCCM Clients: ccmsetup.exe /uninstall (manually, by a deployment or another process) - Delete all Roles installed on remote servers (except:Site Server, Site System and Site Database if Site Database present) - Delete all roles installed on the Primary Site except: Site Server, Site System, Site Database, MP and DP - Launch the SCCM setup on the Primary Site and choose "Uninstall" in the Wizard - Remove Database and SQL Server installation if needed
  10. App-V is THE solution for that kind of request! With your solution, there will be a lot of processes : - Project User log on -> install - Non-Project User log on -> uninstall - and so on... Maybe a solution by placing the shortcut in the Project User profile only?
  11. Is it not a better way to run the actions: "Software Update Scan" and "Software Update Deployment"? Those actions are available for all users in "Control Panel" -> "Configuration Manager" -> "Actions" tab
  12. You can do it with a Startup Script directly by passing your EXE and parameters or a Batch/VBScript file In Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Scripts -> Startup
  13. Yes, I know it but you don't understand my request... For example, I need to create an Application deployment that installs WinZIP with some customization settings located in the user's registry hive (HKCU\SOFTWARE\...). Of course, the end-user does not have administrative rights... How do you manage this kind of deployment?
  14. I can simplified my request by asking : How do you manage a deployment of an Application that needs some user part configuration settings (in the user's profile)?
  15. Hi everybody, I come to you about new ideas to deploy an Application with user part. Currently, I deploy it like the following : - A first Application named "Xxxxxx (System)" that installs the software as SYSTEM (with administrative privileges) and that is just copied to DP's (not deployed). - A second Application named "Xxxxxx" that installs the user part configuration (Registry settings/AppData files - specific to end-user) with user context. This one is deployed to a Collection with the Application "Xxxxxx (System)" as a dependency. My principal problem is if a user wants to uninstall the software, only user part (running with user privileges) can be uninstall... Any ideas? Other kinds of solution are welcome
  16. The only ways I know are : - With a Package (and not a application) you can deploy at logon - Or by GPO
  17. I don't see yout "script" in your post but maybe try the following as "Installation Program" in your Application Deplyment Type : cmd.exe /c script.bat
  18. After Googeling, good reading : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/3b1a16e3-f372-4fa5-a73d-95d9153c96f0/office-2013-with-sa-and-appv-5-mdop http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2772509 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee624360.aspx
  19. Check this, maybe it's the same issue : http://777notes.wordpress.com/2013/01/14/sccm-2012-sccm-2012-sp1-client-update-failed-error-couldnt-verify-cwindowsccmsetupmicrosoftpolicyplatformsetup-msi-authenticode-signature-return-code-0x800b0101/
  20. As I know there is no full integration. But you can create your boot.wim after having installed DaRT on a computer and integrate it in a Task Sequence. A good beginning guide can be found here: http://www.myitforum.com/forums/MDOP-DaRT-in-sccm-m229924.aspx
  21. 3 ways : - Dependencies/Requirement in Applications - Build a script that will sequence in order the different installations - Build a Task Sequence that will sequence the different installations (Packages, Applications, command Line). The advantage here, you can manage restart between setups.
  22. The Client is needed to install packages, continue the OSD after a restart in a Task Sequence and so on. Then you must keep this step. But, it's not recommended, you can add a "Run Command Line" step at the end of your Task Sequence that will uninstall the Client: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe /uninstall
  23. Did you follow this article? http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh397284.aspx Don't forget to update DP's after having enabled "Multicast" on Windows Image and Packages to rebuild the "hashing".
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