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Everything posted by feeks

  1. Success at last. Thank you for your persistence and assistance! Cheers Feeks
  2. The iso that I have of the DVD carries a pid.txt so presumably this is the OEM version. I will hack this out of the boot.wim and let you know what happens! What does this actually mean for the error condition that I have been experiencing? The Microsoft Forums are currently being moved around and are unavailable which prevents any further reading. Does the existence of the pid attemt to use the key provided and therefore fails? Cheers feeks
  3. . ...... I can see the install image ... the failure is immediately after the selection of the install image. And yes I am trying to put the image back onto the same device. ...... Just before the failure point I can perform a dir of the c:
  4. The install image is definitely Windows XP service pack 3 and the service pack 3 deployment tools were used for the sysprep I have seen some comments on the Microsoft site to use the .1 wims but think that is only the difference between release 0 and service pack 1 surely? I have pretty much followed your pinned instructions religiously while trying various capture images winpe, x86 and x64 with all deployments responding in the same manner. For the sake of clarity the steps taken are: (All image creation has been performed via the WDS mmc with the exception of the export/peimg driver injection) 1 Added/compiled the boot.wim's from the sources. In the case of the WinPE I ImageX'd the boot.wim but did not add any of the optional components so that image is pretty much a bare-boned boot image (these are stored in the %reminst%\boot\<lang>\image location 2 I exported/peimg'd the pnp nic drives required. I have also received the same end result from non-peimg'd boot images. 3 I created capture images from the relevant boot images which are stored in %reminst%\boot\<lang>\image. 4 I created install images (various boot os pe, x86 and x64) using the capture images with all install images completing as expected. All capture images have been created using the -mini -reseal -reboot flags. 5 I have created multiple image groups added the install images keeping them separate to avoid res.wmn corruption 5 Attempt deployment and get to Step 5 from the pinned topics then thud! Because the install images are hal dependent I have also added %oem% to the %reminst%\images\<image group>\<image .wim name> location with sysprep.inf to support the pnp driver and mini setup requirements. I have also used a variety of WDSClient configurations to support image automation e.g. unsecured and secured domain joins but obviously we aren't getting to this point in the deployment to see whether this part works! As alluded to in my previous post, I am taking it on good faith that the capture wim carries sufficient/appropriate source to build an XPSP3 capture image The deployment fails after install image selection (a couple of seconds or so delay). At the point of image selection the Language drop down is not activated with the only option buttons being next/cancel. On failure a WDS client dialog (consistent with the previous style of dialogs) pops up declaring that WDS cannont display the images available for installation. I have confirmed that I have IP access and can ping the server at the point of failure. Cheers Feeks
  5. Aplogies for confusing the pinned topic! WDS responds with a "Windows could not display the images available for installation." and bombs! The account I am using is the domain administrator account so I don't believe that it is a privileges issue. The wim security is Auth Users read/execute. I have imaged an x64 Dell Dual core XPSP3 the image records as an x86! I have created x64 and x86 capture images and have not encountered any issues with the capture I am simply not able to deploy an image. I turned on Tracing but this didn't tell me a whole lot. I have a sysprep configuration along with oem drivers in the same location and name as the .wim. The server is 2K3 SP2 and the wim is 15Gb the capture images are 6.0.6000 (x86) and 6.0.6001 (x64) and I get the same result with the WINPE boot/capture. All images have been created via the mmc. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! I am imaging from a Dell Vostro 1500 XPSP3 and I am uncertain of the parentage of the Vista sources as I was only interested in the wim's. There is an additional question here from my knowledge of RIS which is there was always a necessity for a RISETUP operating system image which provided build resources for the rest of image build process. WDS does not seem to require this presuming that all of the old RISETUP equivalent sources are stored in the boot image? Having exported the boot image this does not seem to be the case or am I wrong? In which case my next question will be how do I get a RISETUP equivalence into the WDS environment? Regards Feeks
  6. I think Steve B wants a tute on Multi-casting!
  7. WDS responds with a "Windows could not display the images available for installation." and bombs! The account I am using is the domain administrator account so I don't believe that it is a privileges issue. The wim security is Auth Users read/execute. I have imaged an x64 Dell Dual core XPSP3 the image records as an x86! I have created x64 and x86 capture images and have not encountered any issues with the capture I am simply not able to deploy an image. I turned on Tracing but this didn't tell me a whole lot. I have a sysprep configuration along with oem drivers in the same location and name as the .wim. The server is 2K3 SP2 and the wim is 15Gb the capture images are 6.0.6000 and 6.0.6001 and I get the same result with the WINPE boot/capture. All images have been created via the mmc. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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