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Stian M.

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  1. SOLVED! "Apply network settings" -> Domain OU -> %MachineObjectOU%
  2. Hi! I've recently set up a MP/DP in a non trusted / cross forest domain. Everything is going smooth, except that the computer object is not moved (or created) to the correct OU, but instead it's created in the root Computers OU. I've made sure that the domain join account has all the necessary permissions in the OUs. The "Apply network settings" task in the Task Sequence is configured with the djoin account only. The "Domain OU" setting is blank. Here's a snippet from my customsettings.ini: [DefaultGateway] [GD] MachineObjectOU=OU=Computers,OU=GUDA,OU=Medier,DC=GD,DC=local Here's a snippet from smsts.log: Determining the INI file to use. InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.37 1824 (0x0720) Using COMMAND LINE ARG: Ini file = CustomSettings.ini InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.37 1824 (0x0720) Finished determining the INI file to use. InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.37 1824 (0x0720) Added new custom property MYCUSTOMPROPERTY InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.37 1824 (0x0720) Using from [settings]: Rule Priority = DEFAULT, DEFAULTGATEWAY InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.37 1824 (0x0720) ------ Processing the [DEFAULT] section ------ InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.37 1824 (0x0720) ------ Processing the [DEFAULTGATEWAY] section ------ InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.37 1824 (0x0720) Match found for default gateway, retrieving settings. InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.37 1824 (0x0720) ------ Processing the [GD] section ------ InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.37 1824 (0x0720) ------ Done processing CustomSettings.ini ------ InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.38 1824 (0x0720) Process completed with exit code 0 InstallSoftware 29.10.2015 13.08.38 1824 (0x0720) SetupErr.log is clean - no errors SetupAct.log is also clean, the only thing I can see is that DJOIN.EXE MachineObjectOU = [NULL]. Has anyone been working with a similar issue? I'm quite stuck here, and google doesn't say much about the subject. Regarding the blank field in Domain OU; it doesn't really matter if the field is blank or not - I've tried both. Just to clarify - the customsettings.ini works like a charm when deploying OS to machines in my "primary" domain. The computers are assigned to their respecive OUs specified in customsettings.ini. Anyone here with a clue?
  3. Ofcourse I had to give read, modify, delete, create permissions to User Device Affinities.
  4. Hi all! I've looked through all the permissions in a custom security role for our help desk, and I've managed to allow our help desk users to add computers to collections etc. But I can't find the permission that allows them to edit primary users / devices. Does anyone know where to find this?
  5. I've double checked all permissions on all shares, System has full access both on NTFS and share. Also tried to duplicate the WIM-files, this did not work.
  6. Yes, I recently figured that out. Anyhow - uninstalling WAIK doensn't solve anyting - I'm still experiencing the same problems.
  7. Disabling AV didn't help
  8. Anyone got any ideas here? WAIK and ADK is reinstalled. And also - why does it look like it's trying to fetch image properties from a drive that doesn't exist? I've googled my ass off for two days in a row now, I'm about to give up and start all over again Error: Boot image to update: • Microsoft Windows PE (x64) Error: Actions to perform: • Add ConfigMgr binaries • Add custom background • Set scratch space • Enable Windows PE command line support Optional components: • Scripting (WinPE-Scripting) • Startup (WinPE-SecureStartup) • Network (WinPE-WDS-Tools) • Scripting (WinPE-WMI) Error: The wizard detected the following problems when updating the boot image. • The SMS Provider reported an error.: ConfigMgr Error Object: instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus { • Description = "Failed to insert OSD binaries into the WIM file"; • ErrorCode = 2152205056; • File = "e:\\qfe\\nts\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\sspbootimagepackage.cpp"; • Line = 4630; • ObjectInfo = "CSspBootImagePackage::PreRefreshPkgSrcHook"; • Operation = "ExecMethod"; • ParameterInfo = "SMS_BootImagePackage.PackageID=\"A0100013\""; • ProviderName = "WinMgmt"; • StatusCode = 2147749889; }; And! When I'm trying to create a new MDT Boot Image, I get this error: Started processing. Creating boot image. Copying WIM file. Mounting WIM file. WIM file mounted. Setting Windows PE system root. Set Windows PE system root. Set Windows PE scratch space. Adding standard components. Adding component: winpe-mdac Adding extra content from: C:\Users\STIMYH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\0f51stur.hkc Unmounting WIM. Copying WIM to the package source directory. Creating boot image package. Error while importing Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Task Sequence. Failed to read image property from the source WIM file due to error 80070002 Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlQueryException: The SMS Provider reported an error. ---> System.Management.ManagementException: Generic failure at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode) at System.Management.ManagementObject.Put(PutOptions options) at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlResultObject.Put(ReportProgress progressReport) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlResultObject.Put(ReportProgress progressReport) at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlResultObject.Put() SMSPROV.LOG: *~*~e:\qfe\nts\sms\siteserver\sdk_provider\smsprov\sspbootimagepackage.cpp(3634) : Failed to read image property from the source WIM file due to error 80070002~*~* SMS Provider 03.12.2013 17:01:07 4112 (0x1010) *~*~Failed to read image property from the source WIM file due to error 80070002 ~*~* SMS Provider 03.12.2013 17:01:07 4112 (0x1010)
  9. Snip from execmgr.log on the client. Can't see any relevant information here. CServiceWindowEventHandler::Execute - Received SERVICEWINDOWEVENT : END Event execmgr 24.10.2013 05:00:00 7904 (0x1EE0) The user has logged off. execmgr 24.10.2013 16:46:09 6484 (0x1954) A user has logged on. execmgr 25.10.2013 07:47:41 2588 (0x0A1C) The logged on user is *username* execmgr 25.10.2013 07:47:41 2588 (0x0A1C) The user has logged off. execmgr 25.10.2013 08:03:44 5236 (0x1474) A user has logged on. execmgr 25.10.2013 08:09:43 1680 (0x0690) The logged on user is *username* execmgr 25.10.2013 08:09:43 1680 (0x0690)
  10. Hi! Currently trying to deploy an application "Lightroom 5.2" to a device collection. We've done the packaging ourselves, and installation to our test machines - just by installing from the .msi straight out gives no errors. However, deploying this .msi to this one client in the collection gives the error "Deployment failed" - Error 0x643 (1603). When it's not in the error status, as it currently is - it says "Content downloaded" - Status type: In progress. I guess it's shifting between these two statuses. As a part of the troubleshooting, I've added the parameter "/l*v C:\temp\lightroom.log" to the msi installation to see if I can find some more information from verbose logging. The strange part is that there is no "lightroom.log" located in C:\temp on the client. I'm guessing that this means that the installation actually never starts? Other than that, I'm actually quite stuck. Don't know where else to look, which log files etc. Any tips/hints is greatly appreciated! Brgds, Stian M.
  11. Thank you! Do you know if this removes disabled computer objects from collections?
  12. Hm, I configured the 'Delete obsolete client discovery data' to run after i wrote the last post. Didn't seem to work, still the same amount of clients in 'All Computers' collection, approx. 5200, should be around 3200 since I disabled around 2000 AD computer accounts. Any ideas?
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