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Everything posted by 4c74356b41

  1. I advice you to use MDT to capture image, capturing image with SCCM is pointless. If you use MDT to capture image you will get an image that can be use in any deployment scenario, if you capture image with sccm you can only use it with sccm.
  2. Hello folks, I'd love to hear any ideas considering planning storage for SCCM 2012 SP1 heirarchy. I've read this and it gives absolutely no idea on what the IOPS requirement are for SCCM 2012. I wasnt able to find any storage calculators for SCCM either. I understand that IOPS requirements are different depending on a lot of things but there should be some general guide lines? I hope So basicly IOPS, which underlying raid should we use, acceptable queue length. Capacity is not an issue, we have a lot of space, performance may be, thou. So i'd really love to hear something from you guys thanks in advance.
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