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Everything posted by Kinom

  1. thats correct Sorry
  2. Hi there Dont mind the X64 or the X86 If you installing an OS X86 you have to use the X86 boot image. If you installing an OS X64 then you have to use X64 boot image. You have to inject the Vista driver in both the boot images. What type of OS are you installing? The architecture of the laptop are computer doesnt matter
  3. Hire are the two different ways to prepare a package (MSI and EXE). That of the EXE file you know , this is the link for the EXE files http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/499-how-can-i-deploy-an-application-in-sccm-2007-sp1/ Now for a MSI The mom is to find the problem if it fails. Then you can advertise it and change te settings on the distribution tab in the properties of the advertisment. To speed up de process you can open control panel on the client PC and then open Configuration manager. On the tab action I think you have to select the Windows installer source list update cycle and click initiate action. Normally within 5 to 10 minutes you will see a pop up right in the task bar.
  4. Hi If you have a problem with 1 package it doesn’t effects the other package. Only if you work with a task sequence, then it will fail What you can do is the following thing, go to your advertisements and right click the package advertisement and select properties. In the tab distribution points select “Run program from distribution point”
  5. Hi Try this Go to your advertisements and right click the capture advertisement and select properties. In the tab distribution points select “Run program from distribution point”
  6. Hi there I had that problem before and I installed a CA on a server. It took me a while to figure it our but if you take a look at this link http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb694035.aspx I think you will find it. Read the first certificate --> Deploying the Site Server Signing Certificate That works in my case
  7. What are the codes after are under your SCCM IP?
  8. Hi, If you want to capture windows 7, you have to upgrade to SCCM SP2, it is the only version that supports Windows 7. Just download SCCM R2 and install, next next next finish. Then download SCCM SP2 RC and install it, next next next finish. The upgrades are very simple Cheers
  9. Hi George Welkom The best way is to use a Unattend XML file. In there you can set every setting you like. Language, screen resolution, Keyboard, … Cheers
  10. In the document are some screen shots of my TS. I just followed the wizard Build and capture.doc
  11. hi I deed it in one task sequence and it Works fine What Anyweb tells can be the problem. If you see in Software distribution --> Advertisements and right click on the TS an click properties. The program rerun behavior has 4 options.
  12. Is it in two diferent task sequences?
  13. Thanks
  14. Hoi Peter, Thanks for helping me I deed another test and it went perfect So it means I don’t need the MDT packages like I read before Cheers
  15. Thanks for the reply I will do a new test and let you know
  16. smsts.log smsts-20091013-194352.log
  17. Hi all, I deed some tests with SCCM2007, USMT 4.0 and MDT 2010 to update WinXP to Win7. Everything go’s well until the second last step, then I get the following error 0x00000024 :angry: Can someone help me with this problem? In attachment you will find my 2 SMSTS.logs files Thanks
  18. anyweb Can you tell me where you opened the new topic for USMT 4.0 I have tested again and it fails on the restore with error 0x00000024
  19. He all, There is another way I deed it and its working First create a folder at the new location. Make sure that the folder at the other location exist and have the proper permissions, give it the same permissions as the original shared folder. Then open a CMD console and go to the folder where you install WSUS, for example  C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools> Then enter the following command: for example  wsusutil.exe movecontent D:\WsusContent D:\susmove.log This command copy’s the content from the original location to the new location and creates a new synchronization link to the new location. You can test it by re-run the synchronization and check the content of the original folder and the new folder in the general properties “MB”. If that is ok, you can delete the original folder. Cheers
  20. Ok, I will do a new test and let it know in the new topic. Where can I find the new topic
  21. I get a command line error at the end of my upgrade, but now I have an other problem wen I try to upgrade XP to Win7. Some thing with the SCCM client "Exiting with code 0x80004005 Windows setup failed, code 31 "
  22. Kinom

    Windows update

    Thanks for the reply If I understand I have to add the customsettings.ini in the same package?
  23. Use an unattend.xml create a package, no program en ad it to the distribution point. in the apply operating system step select the Use an unattended or sysprep, select the package and enter the unattend.xml file. For example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <servicing> <package action="configure"> <assemblyIdentity name="Package_for_KB935509" version="" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="" /> </package> <package action="configure"> <assemblyIdentity name="Package_for_KB937287" version="" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="" /> </package> <package action="configure"> <assemblyIdentity name="Package_for_KB938371" version="" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="" /> </package> </servicing> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-IE-InternetExplorer" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <StartPages> <StartPage wcm:action="add"> <StartPageUrl>http://www.google.be</StartPageUrl> <StartPageKey>Home</StartPageKey> </StartPage> </StartPages> <CompanyName>BlaBla</CompanyName> <Home_Page>http://www.google.be</Home_Page> <IEWelcomeMsg>false</IEWelcomeMsg> <TrustedSites></TrustedSites> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Display> <HorizontalResolution>1920</HorizontalResolution> <VerticalResolution>1200</VerticalResolution> </Display> </component> </settings> <settings pass="windowsPE"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Display> <HorizontalResolution>1920</HorizontalResolution> <VerticalResolution>1200</VerticalResolution> </Display> <DynamicUpdate> <Enable>true</Enable> <WillShowUI>Never</WillShowUI> </DynamicUpdate> </component> </settings> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> </OOBE> </component> </settings> <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim://sccm/packages$/test-xml/install.wim#Windows Vista BUSINESS" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /> </unattend>
  24. I've reboted the WDS service and everything went wel
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