Hallo everybody
I’m new at this and I hope that someone can help me with this problem.
I’m working 2 days now on this one and I can’t figure it out
I have a problem deploying Vista with a task sequence.
I imported the vista .wim file and drivers for a HP 8710w, so far so good .
I create the task sequence with te wizard and everything is ok, I added some programs en I advertised it to the collection.
The collection is also ok
I boot the laptop and it starts to run the PXE and installs Vista, at a certain time after applying the drivers from the driver package he start applying the SCCM client, then it reboots and start configuring Vista.
At the first time I taught it was ok but it did not install the SCCM client and the rest of the software.
I taught, it will reboot and resume with the task sequence but it did not.
Can someone help?