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dreddric last won the day on February 21 2014

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  1. Hi, Did you ever get to do a blog post on this process please?
  2. Followed the instructions to the T, the script appears to work only the behaviour I get is that I'm not presented with any of the message boxes relating to it not being able to find a connection, no message or progress windows on the System Center Configuration Manager screen. So it is partially working, if I then connect the cable the Task Sequence continues. Any ideas? Also, is it possible to add a power cable check for a laptop device to the script please?
  3. Great article. Although all step-by-step guides I have seen for Application deployment use software with *.MSI files, which is easy as most of the work is done for you, but in the real world, a lot of software does not have an *.MSI installer. Do you have a guide for Application deployment using a software *.EXE file, where you have to manually enter all the options?
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