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Everything posted by nhottinger

  1. I'm not sure that's exactly what I need. I want to run a report on our "Servers" Device Collection and show what windows updates are applied to each server in that collection.
  2. Currently we have a task sequence working to install an image of Windows 7. We have created a new windows 7 image and would like to just use the same task sequence to do the deployment. I copied the existing task sequence, pasted it into sccm2012 and then just updated the image file with out new captured .wim. The task sequence works and installs the OS, but none of the software packages are being installed via the TS. Any ideas?
  3. We are attempting to capture a new build on our desktops but can't find the .wim now that it's complete. We used a USB drive setup as capture media, went through all the steps and at the end, it said it has successfully captured the image. Now that I go out to the folder I saved it in, it's' not there. Am I missing something here? Nevermind, I mistyped the name of the .wim so I was unable to search for it where I saved it to. I found it.
  4. I've been tasked by management to provide a report out of SCCM Report Manager showing all the windows updates that have been applied to a particular device collection. In this case, it's the servers collection. Is there a report already available that I'm missing, or how can I create this report so management can run it out of Report Manager?
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