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Everything posted by kevlar01

  1. Perhaps try to post a question in this section: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/forum/98-frontends-htas-and-web-services/
  2. Do you have SCCM 2012 R2? If so, install the following hotfix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2910552
  3. Create a package with this in the command-line: %windir%\ccmsetup\scepinstall.exe /u/s
  4. That error code indicates that your password of the Network Access Account is wrong. Can you check this? When editing the task sequence, you can provide the Network Access Account in the capture step. You can also verify if it can connect to the network share there, so I should also give that a try.
  5. Can you verify if 'Everyone' has 'Read' permissions on the SMSPKGE$ share?
  6. Perhaps you can create a package using this procedure? http://www.howto-outlook.com/otherprograms/slipstreamoffice2013sp.htm
  7. What are the installation properties of the Client in the TS? Do you use the FQDN? Also, when opening the COnfiguration Manager Client properties in the Control Panel of the client, is the site code filled in?
  8. Put them at the end of your TS. Additionally, you could try running CCMEval.exe (in C:\Windows\CCM)
  9. Do you use a custom unattend.xml file during the 'Apply Operating System' step?
  10. Can you check the srsrp.log (perhaps post it here) ?
  11. Perhaps you can try to use an Operating System Image, rather than an Operating System Installer (the old-skool method) ?
  12. Perhaps you can take a look at this tool: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/ConfigMgr-Driver-Injector-aae7d17d
  13. Go to one of the clients, and browse to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall key in the registry. Skim through the keys until you find the installation of Microsoft Office 2010. There should be a string called "UninstallString" with a commandline as a value. Use that commandline to uninstall (or put that commandline inside a package)
  14. Someone else also has the same problem: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6082-build-and-capture-osd-failing/ The last post states that it has to do with unsigned drivers. Can you check this?
  15. Did you see this post on TechNet? https://blogs.technet.com/b/configurationmgr/archive/2013/04/02/how-to-move-the-configmgr-2012-site-database-to-a-new-sql-server.aspx
  16. Did you run the console as an Administrator?
  17. Try to set the 'Do not assign a drive letter to this partition' checkmark. It looks like the task sequence fails assigning driveletter C:\.
  18. What does the Appenforce.log tell you? %windir%\CCM\Logs
  19. Also, this only works with Operating System Images, so not with Operating System Installers!
  20. Perhaps the client is stuck in 'Provisioningmode'. Please check the following registry keys: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CCM\CCMexec\Provisioningmode (this one should be set to false) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CCM\CCMexec\SystemTaskExcludes (this one should be empty)
  21. Copy the task sequence, and rename it appropriately. In the partition disk step, choose disk 1 instead of disk 0 (the default). Alternatively, you could copy the partition disk step, and set a query WMI condition on it (perhaps on model), so that it runs only when the requirements meet, and change it to disk 1. If you have trouble setting this up, please let me know.
  22. Preferrably you would create a new build and captured image with the new version of O365 in it. Perhaps you can try to build in a 'reboot' in between the 'remove' and the 'install' step? What does the smsts.log file say?
  23. Have you got the 'F8 support mode' enabled on your boot image? If so, press F8 when the error pops up, key in 'CMTRACE.exe', and open the smsts.log in X:\Windows\Temp. It should give more closure about what is going wrong. My guess is that your partitioning could be wrong, or that there isn't enough disk space.
  24. 1. You can achieve this with powercfg.exe with the import switch 2. Could be done with GPO, but also with the import of some reg key's 3. This is default when adding a computer to the domain? 4. Check the smsts.log. The folder will be deleted if the task sequence completed successfully. So it seems that some tasks didn't finish correctly.
  25. Check the SMSTSlog. Also, if the _SMSTaskSequence folder still exists on C:\, it has probably failed.
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