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Everything posted by kevlar01

  1. Check the AppEnforce.log. Also, check in the Task Manager of the client if the CPU usage is high, for instance for the msiexec.exe or trustedinstaller.exe processes. You can set the maximum run time in the package properties. Default is 120 minutes.
  2. It can be done right away afterwards. However, I'd like to recommend you to create a backup after upgrading to SP1, just to be sure. I've documented the steps in my blog: http://it-immensa.blogspot.nl/2014/01/howto-upgrade-sccm-2012-rtm-to-r2-part-1.html
  3. It says 'Application not discovered' on 2 out of 3 applications in your log. So I'd suggest you to check your detection methods, and change them if possible (or add more possibilities)
  4. Have you installed the ReportViewer redistributable (on the client)?
  5. Please close the topic. We have managed this with a tool called WirelessKeyView.
  6. We are currently running SCCM 2012 R2 on a Windows Server 2012 environment. We deploy Windows 8.1 - 64 bits through a task sequence. Our question is, is it possible to deploy a Wireless profile through a script/package during the OSD task sequence? I've fiddled around with a script using NETSH, and manually i'm able to import / export a profile. However, this only works in the current user context. Unfortunately you cannot use 'user context' driven packages in a task sequence. Is there another method? Thanks in advance.
  7. What is the reason you would want to run the installation only when the user logs on? Does it do any user specific tasks during installation? With an MSI installation you can use 'advertised shortcuts'. When the user starts the program, the MSI starts a 'heal' operation, installing the user specific parts. Perhaps this can be a solution for you.
  8. You could create a 'phat' image, with all the 20 programs included. Include the programs in the build and capture task sequence. This will reduce the overall image time greatly.
  9. Is it possible to press F8 and run an ipconfig? Perhaps you can see if at least you have any network adapters...
  10. We also experienced this, but it wasn't hardware related. At the end, we needed to remove the computer from SCCM and it fixed the problem. Perhaps this is also the case for you?
  11. Perhaps you can try advertise the mandatory advertisements to different device collections?
  12. Is it an MSI package? If not, what kind of detection method did you use? Perhaps it 'thinks' it is already installed.
  13. Can you post any logs? What kind of applications are missing? Did you build in reboots between the application installations?
  14. We were also having this problem. In the end it had to do with the E1000 NIC in VMware which wasn't compatible with Windows Server 2012. If this is the case, change the NIC to VMXNET3.
  15. Is the image you want to deploy correctly distributed? Can you check if the formatting of the drive went well? Perhaps it didn't assign a C:\ drive. You can fix this with the OSDPreserveDrivelette variable.
  16. Have you setup the automatic upgrade ? You can do by going to Administration -> Site Configuration -> Sites. Then navigate to Hierarchy settings(in the ribbon). Then open the tab 'Automatic Client upgrade' and check the box for 'Upgrade client automatically when new client updates are available'. Also you can setup Software Update-Based Client installation, by going to Client Installation settings -> Software Update Based Client installation properties
  17. Update: We applied the hotfix to our environment, and the WDS Service is running again!! Don't forget to update the clients and the consoles. Also redistribute the boot images afterwards.
  18. We are experiencing the same problem. I've found a Hotfix at Microsoft, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2905002/en-us however, I haven't tried it just yet(because it's a hotfix). But, this exactly describes our problem so I've got good hope
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