Hey Rocketman,
Yes I have SQL2012 on Windows2012 with the PS and DP. I also rebooted the server and with the extra ram/making it now apply the image from the server it has changed from a 4 hour image to about an hour image. Yay!
My current problem is I have added a Format and Partition Disk step before Apply Operating System so I can make 2 partitions on the tablets. This works however when it gets to the very end of applying operating system it crashes.
I have the current error message in the smsts.log over and over through the log
(__hrMethodRetVal == ((HRESULT)0L)) || (bFailIfMissing == false), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\NTS_SCCM_RELEASE\sms\common\inc\ccmxml.h,582)
I missed a few of the more descriptive errors
uRet != ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE && uRet != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, HRESULT=80070005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\tsconnection.cpp,294)
Failed to connect to "\\chicken.stmarks.wa.edu.au\SMSPKGC$\SM10006E". Invalid username or password.
Failed to connect to the share \\chicken.stmarks.wa.edu.au\SMSPKGC$\SM10006E\ with default account
System partition not set
Unable to find the partition that contains the OS boot loaders. Please ensure the hard disks have been properly partitioned
Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows)
Bcdboot failed! bcdboot.exe C:\WINDOWS /l en-US failed (15299)
Failure when attempting to copy boot files.
Failed to run the action: Apply Operating System.
Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows)