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Everything posted by SCCMNoobster

  1. Hey Rocketman, Yes I have SQL2012 on Windows2012 with the PS and DP. I also rebooted the server and with the extra ram/making it now apply the image from the server it has changed from a 4 hour image to about an hour image. Yay! My current problem is I have added a Format and Partition Disk step before Apply Operating System so I can make 2 partitions on the tablets. This works however when it gets to the very end of applying operating system it crashes. I have the current error message in the smsts.log over and over through the log (__hrMethodRetVal == ((HRESULT)0L)) || (bFailIfMissing == false), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\NTS_SCCM_RELEASE\sms\common\inc\ccmxml.h,582) EDIT I missed a few of the more descriptive errors uRet != ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE && uRet != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, HRESULT=80070005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\tsconnection.cpp,294) Failed to connect to "\\chicken.stmarks.wa.edu.au\SMSPKGC$\SM10006E". Invalid username or password. Failed to connect to the share \\chicken.stmarks.wa.edu.au\SMSPKGC$\SM10006E\ with default account System partition not set Unable to find the partition that contains the OS boot loaders. Please ensure the hard disks have been properly partitioned Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows) Bcdboot failed! bcdboot.exe C:\WINDOWS /l en-US failed (15299) stdout: Failure when attempting to copy boot files. stderr: Failed to run the action: Apply Operating System. Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows)
  2. Im running SCCM 2012 SP1 version 5.0.7804.1000 I have just recently upped the RAM from 4gig to 8gig becuase I noticed the ram was pretty much maxed and Ive also rebooted the server. About to test it. I will also try to make it not download from the DP. Is that as clicking the "Access the content directly from the distribution point" or is there more to it?
  3. Hi, I have currently set up a task sequence that will do an OSD of a win 8.1 image (with drivers and a few of the larger programs installed already) and then the TS installs about 20 programs. It is currently working but it takes about 3 hours to part where it has finished applying the OS and start installing the applications. The size of the .wim is about 13 gig. is this speed normal? It's an Acer Iconia W510 which doesn't have a network port so it is using the USB to Network dongle that came with it. Previously we would install everything on the tablet, image it and then put that image ourselves on each individual tablets. Obviously this has its problems but it did only take about 45 mins to image a machine (this is using the USB to Ethernet dongle as well). The main difference I can see between the two methods is that SCCM copy's the image to the tablet and then apply's the image were are old method we would apply the .wim file directly from the server. Is there anything I can do to speed up SCCM or am I doing something wrong?
  4. Do I need to crearte or use a special Package in the Toolkitpackage task sequence? The TS breaks on the first step Use toolkit Package "Use Toolkit Package. Execution of task sequence failed. Incorrect Function. (Error: 0000001; Source: Windows)"
  5. Hi, Is it possible to make an Task Sequence that runs like an OSD but doesn't do anything but install Packages I have created? Basically I have a bunch of packages I have created and im testing to see if they will work during an OSD but I don't want to wait 30 mins each time to test them out. I have tried making a custom TS and only having nothing but install package tasks and I am able to see it when i PXE boot but when it start it crashes and says "this step must be running in full OS" Is what I am trying to do possible and if so am I doing it wrong? Cheers
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