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Everything posted by alex.chirkov@gmail.com

  1. Hi All! A Customer is upgrading all XP PCs to windows 7 using SCCM 2007 R3 and USMT. Almost everything works fine in the lab. The bad thing is, that there are several hundreds locations that have only one pc and quite bad connection (512kbps) (( I was trying to find a way to prestage everything needed for the migration (or atleast the .wim file), so that after publishing the advertisement these PCs could download everything needed over this bad connection. (It may take 3-5 days to download .wim...) Looking through different forums I found only suggestions to create a Branch Distribution point in such locations, but for me this cannot be done, as the same PC should be upgraded... If anyone had such a problem, please share with me! )) Thanks a lot in advance!!!
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