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  1. I am using the Setup & Configure step. The properties of that are as follows: I've attached all the smsts logs that I'm aware of at the point where it fails: one in C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Logs and the other in C:\Windows\CCM\Logs (Along with the rollover file). smsts - _SMSTaskSequence.log smsts - CCM-Logs.log smsts-20140227-191749 - CCM-Logs.log
  2. It occurred to me that I hadn't updated my boot images since I updated to R2 so I did that. The problem is still occurring but there are new errors. Client WMI corrupt in the middle of a Task Sequence? Failed to open key Software\Microsoft\SMS\47006C006F00620061006C005C007B00350031004100300031003600420036002D0046003000440045002D0034003700350032002D0042003900370043002D003500340045003600460033003800360041003900310032007D00\SMSTS smsts-20140226-164625 - Copy.log
  3. Greetings All, I started a dialog with anyweb in PM about an issue I'm facing in my environment and the notion that this could be helpful to someone else escaped me. As per his recommendation, I'm opening the question to the forum. I am currently managing two SCCM environments: SCCM 2007 R3 and SCCM 2012 R2. As it stands, the 2012 environment is doing all the relatively straightforward things that one would expect (Application/Package deployment, Baseline Configuration, OSD, Windows Update management, and so forth). The functionality I'm having problems with now is the Build & Capture. The B&C process inexplicably drops out at random during the "Install Package" steps I've added for getting our standard software into the image. I initially thought this was related to one piece of software and disabled the package for further evaluation. As I tested more and more, I found that the same error would pop up at random places during the "Install Package" area. Windows loads in an incomplete configuration state and the task sequence never continues. Miscellaneous details: The same behavior can be observed across Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1 Build & Capture attempts. I'm initiating the task sequence via boot media as the 2007 environment as the network helpers are still pointing to the 2007 PXE server. The software packages that I'm attempting to utilize are configured to allow for installations during the task sequence without being deployed. The first recommendation to me was as follows: The setup string I was using was as follows: CCMSetup.exe /noservice /mp:SERVER90.ad.organization SMSSITECODE=GS2 FSP=SERVER91.ad.organization It was changed to: CCMSetup.exe /mp:SERVER90.ad.organization SMSSITECODE=GS2 FSP=SERVER91.ad.organization SMSMP=SERVER90.ad.organization The task sequence properties are as follows: SMSCACHESIZE=30000 PATCH="%_SMSTSMDataPath%\OSD\GS20003D\Hotfix\KB2905002\Client\x64\configmgr2012ac-r2-kb2905002-x64.msp" I double-checked the boundaries and the subnet range that the virtual machine falls under is within one of the boundaries of my site's boundary group. The SMSTS.log looks relatively benign with the exception of the following error, which presents itself numerous times: Failed to query CCM_SoftwareDistribution I've attached the SMSTS.log to this post. I changed the suffixes to something a bit more generic so as to maintain anonymity. Any help would be appreciated and a preemptive, public thanks to anyweb for already offering some ideas. smsts-20140226-093900 - Copy.log
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